Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


A perilous journey - 2nd entry Bree

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Yesterday I arrived in Bree, and my first action was to take almost all of father's scrolls and books to the local archives. The scholars there thanked me greatly and rewarded me with a small amount of coin, less than I had hoped for, yet I shall comfort myself with the thought that surely father's collection will bring benefit to the local people.
Motte certainly seemed relieved to find me emptying the saddle bags, however, they will be filled again, though hopefully nothing returning to them will weigh as much as those books.

Idhorion's first weeks in Imladris

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Soon to come






-hunitng for food for the ball + the 8th ball 


- RP in house elrond with Sindar elflady of lorien Tingruviel

Xanderian's Journal - Entry 1

What kind of Adventure is this?: 


Another For the Houses, and Other Tales

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Ah, Diary. I neglect you... but there are so many patients of late, and so little ink. I believe that Norliriel's cat steps in my blasted inkwell out of choice, that it too might leave its mark on the thin parchment we use for reports and requisitions... quite a few marks, forcing me to rewrite a complete monthly report to Lady Danel (who is also away travelling, but Manadhlaer of the Houses files her reports on time, cat or no cat) from scratch. Thus the second of two requisitions put in. I let young Cuillidir fill out the one for alfirin. Ai!

First Entry

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

First entry

Here I sit, in hiding, to write my thoughts to you, Ola, honoured father of father. My heart still grieves for you, though it has been 5 winters since you left us. I still remember the day, that day when you did not return to the homefire. Wicked magic it must have been, which made that bear so strong, for you were the best hunter and warrior we knew.

Account of Iriul, Fourth Entry

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Journal of Captain Iriul of Tinnudir
Page 4

This page will account more unfortunate news than the second, for I came yet again upon more oppertunities in Bree than I should have taken notice of...Or perhaps it was the wisest I could, it remains to be seen. 

Account of Iriul, Third Entry

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Journal of Captain Iriul of Tinnudir
Page 3

The Keep still stands, and the bridge is still tread by folk i can call friends.
It's now that I'm alone, and i've found some peace that I sit and feel more at home with these duties. I have yet to feel like I've earned this Captaincy though, and to firmly lay claim to it, I must have it acknowledged.

Account of Iriul, Second Entry

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Journal of Captain Iriul of Tinnudir
Page 2

When the greenway took me to familiar lands, I didn't expect such events to unfold.
No people here know me, and that might be best. I took the alias of Gamber, hastily thought up and honestly, I had to look to my horse to think of it. However much the old Captain forbid us to go in to the Town itself, it was too long of a road to stay away from well-reputed ale and properly cooked food. 

Account of Iriul, First Entry

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Journal of Captain Iriul of Tinnudir

It has now fallen to me,the captaincy of Tinnudir and Alaghir's company. After knowing the man for a lifetime, his luck was finally spent upon the stormed waves of the Belegaer Sea, along with many of our kinsmen. In fact, I return alone. This journal will act as the only witness to my journey if i should fail, and if indeed i live to write it to it's last page it will be the account of my Captaincy from beginning to end, however soon or late it may come.

Thoughts on Wander

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

It's no secret to those who knew of my father that the Tierneys are a folk of itchy feet; it's a trait I earned from generations passed, proven to be the victor even when faced with warm fires, a deep bed, and pleasant company at the local. I am certain it's an urge that can't be repressed any longer. Since the walk from Buckland to Bree I've been wondering where my boots may take me next, but my imagination fails me and all I can yearn for is a shady tree and a book to read.


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