The Team
The LA Team Introductions:
Aeruthuil - Administrative Manager and Developer
I am Aeruthuil, though most of the people here know me simply as David. I have been a member of Laurelin for a very long time, ever since the game was released to the public, and begun roleplaying shortly after. At first I did so with a close-knit group of friends, afraid still of roleplaying out in public. Over time I met many wonderful Laurelinians who helped me overcome my fears, many of whom are still visibly present within the community today. I have learned a lot throughout the many years I've been present in the overall LOTRO community and it has expanded my knowledge on Tolkien's writings and the game's workings.
In real life I'm a father of one, and work as an Officer Firefighter with our Fire and Rescue Services, and while I have spent most of my college time being trained in Uniformed Public Services, I have also studied Game Development/Design & Programming, and briefly done Laboratory-work related studies. In my spare time I usually spend most of my time roleplaying or busying myself in other ways within the community, or draw epic one will ever see..
Should anyone ever have any questions or is need of aid in regards to the Laurelin Archives, LOTRO or anything else, you are more than welcome to contact me at any time of the day.
- Aeruthuil
Merako - Administrator
Gaeded - Community Reporter
Retired LA Team Members:
Calenon - Founder and Technical Administrator
I'm the brains behind this operation, whatever the others may say! ;) I was hugely inspired by the The Argent Archives, and wanted to extend that same service to my fellow roleplayers on Laurelin.
Only having dabbled with webdesign previously, making this site without knowing what I was doing was a fantastic learning experience.
- Calenon
Tingruviel - Moderator
Runderic - Community Reporter
Khalis - Lead Moderator
Amorey - Community Lead Reporter
Hamlock - Creative Consultant and Administrator
Kheith - Graphical Designer
Erihael - Moderator
Erinwyn - Reporter and Moderator