Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


The Private Journal of one Miss Bietrix Sweetmeadow


An IC diary. 

Cover art by Deviantart user Safarzade

Amathlan and the Third Age

As of now, only Amathlan has OOC and IC access to this chronicle.

A written compilation of Amathlan's tales as he begins his journey; most to do with the Company of the East Road, but other stories will appear. 

Diary Entry (Two)

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

This diary is dated for the previous evening.

I did not think my heart could yet feel the same love that it did once before.

Mor's Journal

If found, please return this diary to Mormerildes.

A collection of diary entries from the elf of Mirkwood, Mormerildes. She chronicles day-to-day and major events of her life here.

Ponderosa's Travel Diary


A travelogue by Ponderosa, a friendly and persistent young hobbit.

22nd of Wintring, Dusk, Licking Wounds

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

The charcoal strokes of a neat hand run across a page of parchment toward the center of the journal. Slightly smudged, yet legible.

22nd of Wintring, Dusk, Licking Wounds

The Pocket Notebook of One Miss Appoline Whitethorn

Aplin Whitethorn

The scribblings, sketches, and writings of Aplin Whitethorn, faithfully bound and kept in her inner coat pocket at all times. The reader of this journal will be made privy to her innermost thoughts, fears, and misadventures otherwise kept secret from the fair folk of Bree-town. As her wanderings grow, so shall the pages of this chronicle. 

Wyck's doodles and scribblings


Wyck's notebook is an old worn thing. It's a complete mess of everything from hastily scribbled notes on flora, fauna and history, to pressed flowers, old coins and miticulous drawings of scenery and people.

In this book Wyck chronicles most everything he sees and experiences, to a surprising amount of detail in some cases. 

The journal of a wandering Horse-lord. Seventh entry.

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Dwimordene we called that forest north of Riddermark between the river Anduin and the Misty Mountains. As children we were told to stay away from there because Elves lived there and their Queen and that they meant us harm, and that the forest itself was haunted.

The Black Book: Entry 2

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Bremehn continues to be an enigma to me. He is as free-spirited as ever, but I know that his prowess is unquestionable. He can just as easily run a spear through a boar’s heart as he can raise a mug with strangers in a bar. It seems men, and dwarves alike are drawn to him. He spent much of the night cavorting with the locals, gathering them to our table and telling many a jest under a friendly grin. Needless to say, I was greatly uncomfortable with this.


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