Development Log

14th August 2021

[-] Khalis - Retirement
[++] Tingruviel - Assistant Lead Moderator

25th April 2021

- Welcome to our new Members of Staff!

[+] Merako - Developer/System Administrator

9th January 2021

- Welcome to our new Members of Staff!

[+] Tingruviel - Moderator

29nd September 2020

- Welcome to our new Members of Staff!

[+] Haeneth - Community Reporter/Moderator
[+] Lleucu - Moderator


22nd August 2020

- Welcome to our new Community Reporters!

[+] Runderic - Community Reporter (also known as Fiontann)
[+] Galhdi - Community Reporter (also known as Leoffrith)

- Changed: Event listings no longer require for the Event Teaser field to be filled in; this is now optional.
- Changed: Chronicles no longer require for the Chronicle Summary field to be filled in; this is now optional.
- Changed: Users are now able to select ''Other'' or ''Prefer not to say'' when asked about their character's gender upon registering or editing one's profile. This is in beta-stages still and will remove the default portrait + location banner from profiles until this is fixed in future updates.

- Added: Users are now able to accurately select their content image uploads to be a ''Photograph'' in line with the updated Rules & Regulations

- Fixed: An issue where screenshots were mistaken for artworks.
- Fixed: A bug that logged out some users when accessing their Mailbox.
- Fixed: Minor cosmetic bugfixes.

- Removed: Over 15.000 never approved- and spam accounts.


9th August 2020

- Updated the Team page and information;

[-] Calenon - Retirement 
[-] Amorey - Retirement
[++] Khalis - Lead Moderator
[+] Gaeded - Community Reporter

- De-cluttered Retired Member information.

- Changed and updated the Rules & Regulations
- Changed and updated our Legal Agreement (prompted once upon relogging/registering a new account).
- De-cluttered the About page; more changes will follow in the future.

- Added Change log header link to keep everyone up-to-date on changes and fixes.
- Added Recruitment Information page.
- Added a separate Team page link.
- Added ''Report User'' and ''Reporter Application'' options to Contact.
- Added the links ''RealElvish''' and ''The Dwarrow Scholar'' to Resource Links.
- Added a ''Preview'' option to Private Messages when composing a new message.

- Removed unnecessary duplicate Menu links.

- Minor bugfixes.