Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

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Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Letters of a Smuggler

Lane, smuggler running the Greyfell network

Lane's personal diary, written in the form of various letters

New Friends, Old Worries

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Much of the text of this diary entry is interspersed and scattered with lists, notes, questions and rough diagrams, especially through the opening paragraphs.  Questions of provision, of packing and supply, lists of names which generally seem to belong to Breeish folk, or those of the wandering Eglain.  Geographic points, and estimates of miles between them.  Sketched and crude drawings of specific places on the eastern road that may present difficulty and danger, with arrows and labels showing points of attack.  It is no consistent work, rat

The Hike to Bree.

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

The fields are cold at night. Mama never warned me of that.
I suppose it is my own doing, this stinking cold I can feel forming in my chest.

Ahead of me is Bree. Before I could see it, I'd heard it. Bustling music, sounds of horses and carriages. I had heard a concert only last night before I set up camp inside this Willow tree.

Manadhlaer's Diary: Someone's Coming Over For Dinner (We'll Be So Glad to See You)

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

This diary page is splotched with tea along one edge, but is perfectly legible.

Well, Diary? Can you believe it? I shall finally be having some company who is not coming to my door with an arrow in them, or bone sticking out of them, or spitting blood. That is, if he actually forgives me. I do hope the boy forgives me. Not everybody of my own kindred has had the sort of life I have led, and I need to be mindful of that. 

Entry diary two: Road to the dwarf market

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Mum always said that without risk you can't achieve anything. I have been thinking for a long time that my best option was to stay in Bree and try to make a living there, but at least once I want to try the plan to sell my products in other lands. 

More than a month ago news came that there will be a market in Thorin's Hall. I know that dwarves often gather to trade their goods, but until now I have not dared to think of travelling there. And so I started to pack my rucksack. 

Entry diary one: A new beginning, dwarf names and craft ales

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Mum was never a good cook. She always burnt her stew a bit. Or she'd throw the onions almost raw into the mix. Or she'd forget to butter the cake batter and end up making a kind of hard bread. 

I remember the faces my father would make, trying to hide how salty the soup was, so that my mother wouldn't notice. I felt like getting angry with her, but Dad always said it was better not to spend our time together at the table arguing over silly things.

Madaurbeth ~ An Autumn Chill

What kind of Adventure is this?: 



Olriandis' Diary


The personal diary of Olriandis.

Madaurbeth - Curious Things

What kind of Adventure is this?: 



Hobbits… Hobbits are such curious things.


Madaurbeth ~ Page I

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

[The writing is in Aduniac, some parts of the writing more sloppy than others. Written the morning before the attack.]


I have decided to keep a journal. Something I sit down to do. I would like to write books on lore someday, so I think writing a journal would be a good start. I am sitting in the library in my house with a cup of tea, going to leave for a shift at the Stag in a couple minutes.


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