Melumatyar's sure instincts have led the Lósengriol to the decaying ruin of Ost Thondol, deep in the Northern Trollshaws. As Glorfingwë patrols the battlements and looks to the north, Lindalembar of the Woodland Realm and Arradril of Gondolin stand together and cast their watchful gaze to the south.
There is so much I could say... my heart is bursting with mixed feelings. But this is not the place for all my personal thoughts. I must make some attempt to show a little discipline in my record-keeping!
Trapped underground, and with the Dead pounding on the doors, we set out into the reeking darkness below Ost Chall, while Fiontann and Alcott remained behind alone to prevent them breaking through.
It started again. They have ben pounding the door for the better part of an hour now. I almost believed that they gave up and left. But, that's not the case. The others are all awake now. I hope that they have gotten enough rest, this won't be easy, especially in the dark and the stench cannot be used to. It's horrible. At least it's quiet down there. Maybe for once we'll be lucky and we won't have to fight our way through a tomb.