goblin town

Entering Darkness

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No prisoners! No mercy!

Totems of Ashûrz ~ Origin ~ Part 1

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Tywerd looked around inside The Prancing Pony Inn .  Fireplace was lit , people were standing near it , drinking , talking ..   Tywerd saw barliman washing glasses with a piece of white cloth . At the table that was overlooking the fireplace , four hobbits were dancing and drinking .

Search for the Captured Elves

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Faorie and the newest recruit to the kin, Hirvengost, set out to the Misty Mountains to save the elves captured by goblins. Hirvengost had been informed of their capture in Goblin Town and took it upon himself to go to their rescue while learning that he no longer needs to go about dangerous deeds alone as a member of the Warband.

Not wanting to be saved

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The scout finds his own way out, as do the members of the warband.

Rescuing the Scout

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The scout is found in a cell gaurded by goblins

Goblin Town

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Lord Elrond sends some members of the Warband to Goblin Town to rescue a scout

Partolling the Misty Mountains: Goblin town

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Tahjun, Aewiel and Nelnardis enter Goblin Town in The Misty Mountains.


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Some officers and a couple of kinship members posing in Goblin Town after a quest.

Gollum's Cave

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In Goblin Town with a friend from my kinship, Lunastorta the burglar, of the race of Men.

Dark places and dangerous dungeons, better to get inside with a friend and a companion.
We were looking for this dark cave were the creature Gollum used to live long years ago...

Not a place I wish to see again, thouh I was happy to help the old Bilbo Baggins in recalling his memories and finish his book.

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