
Mithrandir's Song of Lórien 3 - Meduseld

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Mithrandir sings a Song of Lórien in the Golden Hall of Meduseld:

In Dwimordene, in Lórien
Seldom have walked the feet of Men,
Few mortal eyes have seen the light
That lies there ever, long and bright.
Galadriel! Galadriel!
Clear is the water of your well;
White is the star in your white hand;
Unmarred, unstained is leaf and land
In Dwimordene, in Lórien
More fair than thoughts of Mortal Men

[1] J.R.R. Tolkien, 'The Two Towers', The King of the Golden Hall

Laurië Lassi at the Great Feast in Meduseld

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Members of Laurië Lassi, part of the retinue of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, perform for those assembled in Meduseld for the great feast in honour of King Théoden:

When the burial was over and the weeping of women was stilled, and Théoden was left at last alone in his barrow, then folk gathered to the Golden Hall for the great feast and put away sorrow; for Théoden had lived to full years and ended in honour no less than the greatest of his sires.

Return to Isengard 17 - Edoras

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The thatched roof of the Golden Hall of Meduseld gleams in the distance

Elves to Isengard 11 - The Oath of Eorl

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A tapestry that hangs in Meduseld, the Golden Hall of Edoras, depicting the Oath of Steward Cirion of Gondor and Eorl of the Éothéod swearing an oath of allegiance to one another

Hearts Beneath the Gloom

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          It took not the eyes of an Elf to behold the oncoming gloom, groping fingers of brown clouds reaching up over the edge of the world.

Blodcwyn and the Riders Four

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Seregrian and the Riders Four hold council in the night at Dunharrow the night before the Rohirrim ride to war...

Entry 13 - Glæd Midsumor

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EDORAS, ROHAN - Midsummer Day, June T.A. 3011

Elf-woman of Edoras

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           Daylight strengthens in the skies over Edoras, although far-sighted eyes can see a darkening wall of gloom beginning to climb over the edge of the world from the East.  The people of the city are shaking off the dreadful passage of the Flying Terror that swooped over Meduseld, before winging its way west and north towards Isengard.  Once it passes out of sight, the Rohirrim se

Memories of Home - The Golden Hall

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While Father talks business and horse-trade, I can't help glancing towards the head of the room...I didn't catch a glimpse of the King that day...perhaps another time. 

Edoras - Meduseld

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