Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


The Lady in Her Lair

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Screenshot: General screen

Lady Seregrían, attended by her daughter Bainiel, prepares to receive her guests at Bar-en-Acharn's Anniversary Ball

The Flower Comes Home

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Screenshot: Event screen

At the end of the evening, members of Lósengriol and the last few guests went outside to plant one of the esteloth flowers retrieved intact all the way from i Drann, the former part of Arthedain now called "the Shire." Manadhlaer and Lirisseya discussed their hopes to use the plant to heal the griefs of those who bore hurt in their hearts.

Midnight Stroll Gone Wrong

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Screenshot: General screen

The Banns are Being Written (Part the Last)

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          “The tradition of Elvendom states thus,” Seregrían began, “to commence a courtship, the Party of the First Part must make demonstration of both intent and resolve.  Intent, firstly, to honor the Party of the Second Part in oath and committed fellowship.  Secondly, to be able to provide for the Second Party’s household and welfare.<

The Banns are Being Written (Part the Third)

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          Faenwë nodded to Seregrian, but stared into his wine glass, speaking slowly.  "The strange winds of life brought me here... Ivorina brought me here.  I will trust in that, trust in a face I recognize, and a heart I once knew; one I still gratefully know even after so many years.  There is a greater purpose in everything.

The Banns are Being Written (Part the First)

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          The Grand Hall of Torech Besruth was a place of comfort and warmth on this rainy evening.  Within its lamplight and hearth-lit expanse, Seregrían was entertaining Ivorina, one of the newest members of the Household.  The two Elves sat at the head of the high table, Seregrían listening while Ivorina poured out a tale of concern.

A Hidden Labor of Hate

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            It becomes plain to the remnant of the Elves that the world has indeed changed.  Just one year after the fall of Thangorodrim, the full extent of the devastation of Beleriand is revealed.  Lands have sunk, seas have risen, and the coastlines have rolled away; but by some miracle, the Isle of Balar remains. 

A Hidden Work of Hate

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Screenshot: General screen

Parfiolossë finds something that her colleague, Seregrían, has been hiding from all others...

Dueling Archivists

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Screenshot: General screen

Seregrían and her colleague Parfiolossë argue how to proceed during the evacuation of the Isle of Balar at the end of the First Age

Cancelled Travels

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Cancelled Travels

The Golden Perch, Stock in the Shire


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