The Great Hedgehog Procession

A celebration of love and hedgehogs! 

May 16th, 2024
The Ivy Bush, Hobbiton

Event details:

Dear folks,

You are cordially invited to The Great Hedgehog Procession, which will be held on the 16th of May, 2024.

Over a lovely evening, we will march from the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton to the South Gate of Bree in the company of our beloved hedgehog pets. The times that we will depart from a variety of checkpoints on our route can be found on the attached poster. At each stop, we encourage a recess of merriment! Each checkpoint will also see the service of Dwarves who will escort those marchers, for whom their merrymaking was too merry, safely to their homes.

Should one be in need of a hedgehog pet for this occasion, please contact Arindiis who has a large family of hoglets in need of rehoming. 

OOC details:

OOC: this is a so-called 'light' RP event, where serious RP is encouraged but not expected.

Link to a full size image of the poster, where you will find the specific times and locations:


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