
The Pains of Growth, First Ender

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It is not my custom to focus as intently as I have on the passage of time these past forty days, and yet my experience has become that of a smoke-filled bubble; where previously I would have been content to merely observe events unfold and meditate on them, I now find the bubble has burst and my energies have begun to diffuse into a collective environment of toil and mutual duty.

The Circle

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Artwork: Drawing

The Circle in the Third Age, displayed in a coeval wood engraving.




((Artwork as a little, quick doodle by me))

The road towards a waiting ship

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Another Hall of Fire Night

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Screenshot: Event screen

The guests of the Hall recieving counsel from the elves; each have their own urgent issues.

Gatherings Abound

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: General screen

A Panoramic shot of an Elven Gathering within the Hall of Fire

Frolicking Dances

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Screenshot: General screen

Lady Rildheldiel and Daerundros dance together as Lady Manadhlaer commences with a new tune.

The Idle Chatter Goes By

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Screenshot: General screen

Discussions and Song are abound within the Hall of Fire

Fair Tunes to Behold

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Screenshot: General screen

Lady Manadhlaer plays the harp to a gathering of Elves.

Diary of a recruit – part 4

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Entry 8 - 'Onnad Lyth'

The beautiful season of ethuil is upon us, trees are in full bloom, green meadows around Duillond are covered with many colourful flowers, sweet fragrance fills the air and freshness of spring touches every weary heart willing to be healed. Such beauty is meant to be celebrated. And we have done so during this year's spring festival of Onnad Lyth!

Death of a Goblin

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Screenshot: General screen


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