
Vanimar Shields

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Artwork: Artscreen

As the sun of dawn rose from across the mountains in Imladris, I looked down and I saw the rays reflecting back from the still water below. The candle flame soon wouldn't be needed.

Back inside I looked around and saw the shields of the orders in two different lights, realizing the feeling of home. The image stayed my mind long enough to paint it onto a canvas and I needed the practice. All I needed to remind me was the hot cup of tea in my hands that morning.

— Elloen

Original Artist

The View from the Pier

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Artwork: Drawing

The air smelled of brine, but it was not from the lake-water lapping at the pillars of the dock. Neither did it permeate through the barrels of salted fish, waiting to be exported. The workers slaving over heavy crates in the height of afternoon had long since grown blind to the smell of sweat and drying fish, a perfume which clung to them day after day no longer how meticulously they bathed at the day's end.

Drawn by me.


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Screenshot: General screen
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