
Approaching the Redhorn Pass

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The lands become rockier, and the stones a reddish-brown hue as the company approaches the mountains. Still, the grass is covered with exquisite flowers, as the chills of the Hithaeglir have not yet taken hold. Lothelian cannot help wondering if there are new and interesting ores and rocks to be found within the passes ahead.

On the Open Road

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Lothelian heads south and east through the lands of Eregion with her companions, heading for the Redhorn Pass.

The Sculptor And The Smith

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Annunghil the smith and Raolor the sculptor a few days before their departure from Imladris.


First Letter to Luthelian

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Dearest Faerind,

I hope you are well, though I have no idea if you have already left the Valley, by now. If that is the case, I have asked Ada and Naneth to keep this until you send word back to Imladris of where you are, and if letters can reach you. Anyways,  I will try to keep this short and to the point. We left Imladris two whole days ago, and stopped in Gwingris last night. The ruins - oh, I know we have come here earlier, with Ada and Nana, but it is not the same. Eregion is a very somber and mysterious land, full of mysteries and memories of the past Age.

Journal - Arrival in Eregion

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Valanya, the 18th day of Coirë


Letters (2)

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Dear Cae,

What do you mean, you are going on a birb bird rescue (sorry about that, Turdor jogged my arm)? Are you serious? I know I asked for cheerful stories... but come on. A happy picnic-trip to reunite a courier with her beloved dove sounds a bit far-fetched. I would have settled for an account of a good party!


Journal - A Wind from the East

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Elenya, the 1st day of Coirë


A Holly Tree in the Ruins

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Among the abandoned ruins, southwest of Echad Eregion, the elves find a holly tree. It is home to more than just one dove.

In the Shadow of Hollin

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When Aurineth and the others had set to Gwingris to search for her Dove, Alagos, Annúngil had headed South on his own to scout the paths that lead to the mountains. He took the old road, making good speed on horse. He kept an eye out for any bird, but he did not sight a single dove; there was an unnatural number of crebain.

Renewed Hope at Dawn

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Screenshot: Event screen

Elves at Echad Eregion pointed the search group in the direction of nearby ruins, where doves have been seen as of late. Aurineth and her friends decide to set off early at dawn in hopes of catching sight of the birds as they awaken.


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