
Leaving Mirkwood

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The company gets ready to cross the Anduin.



Through the Ruins

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Screenshot: Event screen

The company passes beneath the ruins, hoping to conceal their path of retreat.

A Quick Retreat

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Screenshot: Event screen

Annughil, Caethel, and Turumor must plan for a hasty retreat with the Malledhrim now that they have escaped Dol Guldur with the elven prisoners.

The Rescue: Swords in the Dungeons

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Even as Annúngil cleaned his longsword of orc blood in the safety of Thangúlhad, the stench of death and decay lingered in his nostrils.

It had been a bold incursion carried out with the aid of the Malledhrim. The pursuit of an orc party coming from Thranduil’s realm led Annúngil and his companions to a secret passage carved on the edge of the hill where Dol Guldur sat. The irregular steps led to a small gate on the side of the fortress, that proved to be poorly guarded.


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Screenshot: Event screen

The rescue party finds Merenell, one of four elven prisoners being kept in the fortress.

Sticking to the Shadows

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Screenshot: Event screen

Annunghil, Caethel, and Turumor survey the hall to avoid being seen.

Descending into the Dungeons

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Screenshot: Event screen

The small rescue party sneaks through Dol Guldur and prepares to descend down to the dungeons.

The Lay of the Land

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The scout Glorhir looked pale and his forehead shimmered as the firelight illuminated the glisten of sweat upon it. Eliriael gently pressed a cloth dampened with athelas draught to his brow as Annunghil asked him questions.

Athrabeth Ah Agorin

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Facing the author of the important letter, the company discusses further actions and plans with Agorin of the Malledhrim.

Even when it comes to their own kindred, the Malledhrim seem to be wary, holding back information.

The Camp Upon Ost Galadh

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Now that the company has settled within Ost Galadh, the elves are ready to meet Agorin of the Malledhrim in order to discuss their further actions.

For it is Agorin's letter that had urged them to cross the Anduin a few days ago.





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