1st March - Laurelindo's account

It has been a long time since I last wrote anything. We had some very busy few days lately. However today was the worst. I am really beginning to hate healing anyone wearing an armor. Sadly when I look around me everyone wears one, even myself.

Coming along was really a terrible idea. Parnard could use his great knowledge and ideas of doubtful wisdom to heal injuries, or more likely them warriors are used to take care of themselves and would fare as well without me as they do with me. Or maybe better even since I am not a warrior and even if I can protect myself, fighting is not one of my strong points.

Neither is healing if one is to listen to Parnard. Yes, I have only just completed my formation in healing. Yes I did some apprentice mistakes at the beginning of our travel. Does that mean he needs to remind me of it every time he talks to me... Or about me ?

Well I guess that now he will have something else to criticize. My overly bad mood and abruptness when healing someone. Or more precisely the way I gave up on healing someone after a few comments. However if he does I will remind him that for all his doubtful ideas and counsels on healing when I gave him the opportunity to apply his knowledge, he didn't dare to.

At least lord Estarfin's arm is healing well. Oh it is no yet healed, no mistake about it, but that elf is stubborn and will not see it. And I have no idea how are his ribs now since he didn't even care to answer my questions about it. I have to depend on Parnard to alert me if his breathing becomes difficult, or if he is in pain. IF Parnard notices and is willing to warn me that is.

I wonder if it is an improvement or not that lord Estarfin does not even bother to answer my question as opposed to tell me to stop 'clucking like a hen' over him. Personally I don't mind if he tells me to get lost but it is really... not helping if he does not answer my questions.

Lady Nirhen did a pretty good job with her wound, so I left her to do it alone. I would not have hesitated if I saw a problem but the wound seems not that bad, and was well cared for. She has broken fingers, so I hope, without any illusion though, that she will let it time to mend.

Out of those I had to care for in this journey of ours, not one is willing to listen to me. All of them seem to think that once they've had a salve on their injury or a bandage, they are fine, and that pain is not a problem even when I can give them something to reduce it. Speaking of bandage I need to wash those I have for next time... I wonder if I can convince anyone to lend me a cooking pot for that ?! I guess I will see.

All this because I dared not let them go without a healer for fear that something tragic would happen to someone I know... I wonder when I will learn my lesson. I am USELESS on such a quest, thank you very much.

Oh how easy it was being a healer in lord Elrond's house. There nobody in his or her right mind would protest a healer's care, even an inexperienced healer. I miss it almost as much as I miss being only a minstrel.

If I survive our journey, which sounds particularly doubtful if we follow lord Anglachelm's trail to either Mordor or Mirkwood (and I hope no other mirkwood elves have Parnard's personality, one of his kind is more than enough in my opinion), once I am back in Imladris I will gather my instruments, and leave the valley to go back to Lindon for a while. There I will take back my old place as a minstrel if my friend will have me back, otherwise I will find another place to play music but in any case I will not stay anywhere near any of those who have been injured or will be injured during this mad journey.

Well... At the moment I wish to do so I suppose I will have to see though. In any case, however much I wish to I will not leave while any of us is still on the search as I am honor bound to finish the journey with the last of them, wherever it will lead me.

Oh, before I forget, there was actually a good point to this day. Lord Veryacano and lord Tindir wanted to send Parnard to talk to a party of men, and Parnard, wise this time, refused and noted very clearly that such enterprise would not be successful in his opinion (it is my opinion as well though I kept silent). Lord Veryacano agreed that if Parnard didn't believe he could do it then he should not do it. At least I will not have to patch Parnard up again for that sort of mistake too soon.

Not that it made them forget that idea sadly... Men are NOT trustworthy when they are at war and when anyone they don't know look for them like an agent of the enemy. Of course I know of at least one elf who would tell me that men are never trustworthy, but that I suppose is debatable... And the Valar know that we debated that point more than enough with no result but a serious headache to anyone listening to us arguing for hours. 

Now I will follow lady Nirhen suggestion and rest a little and then I will try to clean the bandages I have. I have the feeling I will need them.