Servants of Mordor

Portrait of Ferngurth Unmasked

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Artwork: AI Generated/Influenced

All Hail The Glorious Queen

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Screenshot: General screen

Aglarari the Rancorous 

Heir of Aglarzor the Silent

All hail the Glorious Queen!

The Ambitious Corsair

This chronicle is written by someone who knew Gimilthôr well.

This chronicle tells the tale of the becoming of Gimilthôr The Firebrand, a Corsair of Umbar with great ambition.

Ferngurth's Journals

Only Ferngurth has contributed in writing this journal.

Ferngurth's journal was a collection of rather small books. His most recent was held together with several straps, for its condition was weathered and could easily fall apart. The pages were yellowed and the cover was of some dark leather with an emblem of the Eye burning in the middle.

Overseeing The Troops

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Screenshot: General screen

The Banner of the Eye

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

From the lands of those unconvinced lead many ways to Mordor. But there is only one gate and all that is unsworn shall not pass. Only the loyal and the worthy shall walk the road of victory and war to the fire and into the tower that surveys over all.  It is the greatest honour to walk the halls of Lord Sauron's fortress. He does not appreciate unwelcome guests and those who enter with absent permission shall never leave it's deep chambers.

Towering Under the Eye

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: General screen

Character Portrait: Ferngurth

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: General screen
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