Last Observations

Not often the streets and alleys of Bree were as silent as they were this night, at this time, ofttimes within the bitter darkened streets of this lazy hamlet one might hear drunken rows or the merry whistle of a tune carried on the odorous fumes from the Tavern, this night almost behooving, there is not a sound save for the rhythmic tolling of small metallic objects as following singular strode steps along the cobbled and broken pathways. Followed to ear by a squelching, as if leaving the stone spine which trail the main village and setting oppressive prints in the muddied back alley paths. I can hear them from afar. And little else.

You can almost imagine if the ground itself might speak the pain it might endure and images it might see in a cold night. I for one, did not expect to hear with such clarity. In truth, I thought to take in the night air from this balcony near the Scholars Stair’s. It was only by timing I found myself adrawn to that metallic tolling. I believe I had heard it for some time. Quite clearly they move closer to my location. My curiosity is piqued.

I must admit, I do enjoy writing my thoughts as they occur, not only does it help in the retelling of tales, but also allows me to know how to embellish them later in the Tavern. Ah, the stars are so clear tonight. Oddly so, though it is peaceful for certain. As I look around to the nearly pristinely vacant cobbles.

|The previous annotated thought has been scrawled away as a new line begins, frantic is the lettering and clarity of the words scrawled|

By all things! A Man was murdered! The Tolling belongs to a Man in Blackened Armour. It is dark but I see him! No Guards..Will describe him here. Tall, Dark Skinned, A thick matted cowl of hair, seems small objects of value dangle from the braids of hair. Spear and Javelins on his back. He speaks words I know not the origin of. Sounds..cursive. He struck the Man in the gut with a Fist, and slit his neck with a Knife. He….

|The events which were being recorded suddenly came to a halt.|

He saw me.

HE saw me.

I hear the tolling of those damn bells getting closer to my door. I know I am next.

Hopefully this will help capture the Man who will soon kill me too. Hop…

|The rest of the parchment is smeared and spattered with droplets of dried crimson, fresh creases in the parchment suggest it was claimed with force.|