Through the eyes of a Ranger: Elven home

I almost forgot about my journal.

We've been in Rivendell for some time now. I can't rightfully say how long but Thorontir assures me that he is keeping track of the passage of time here since it is easy to forget.

It has been a very long time until I felt such peace as I've here and it's nice. My mind is still heavy with some thoughts but I don't think as much about it.
I still worry about my kinsmen, I've seen bloodlust in them, anger and recently learned theft follows one of them. Is this the natural way of things, do all the men we send out to uphold the oath end up as this or is it the darkness that falls over the land?

I was told the first meeting with the elves was an odd one but at least things have calmed down and they have been kind to us.
Thorontir has had a meeting with them and it seems some are willing to help. It is nice to see his mind ease up a little even if I do worry he's getting a bit too fond of the wine they have. It is good, I cannot blame him.  They've tried to get Ulfey to partake of the wine but she seems stubborn to taste it. I don't think I've ever seen her drink anything such as wine or ale in our travel. I wonder why that is.

We have not heard any word from Celonlinn but hopefully everything is going well with her. We'll be needing all the aid we can get.

Man, Elf and Dwarf united to fight this evil that has found its way north and threatens our homes. Unite the north, as we've called it and Thorontir has even made mention it reminds of the Last Alliance. Perhaps this will be remembered as well, a small chapter in some book.

The elves offered to mend our equipment and help us with supplies, maybe I should head out and aid in those matters even if I'm comfortable sitting and staring out over the valley through my window. 

I will miss this place.