The Beginning of the End - Chapter II - S.A. 1695 to Early Third Age

TheTheT last few weeks had been a very interesting and proved to be more difficult than they had began. I had walked into the port I found and started talking to the locals and it didnt take long before I was singled out and was arrested and brought before an elf lieutenant named Elrond. He and I talked for many days before he finally allowed me my freedom. It was originally thought that I was one of the green elves since I spoke of the elves of my homeland, and it proved helpful, as they were a clan of the Nandor and were known to have once lived in this place which was called Lindon which itself was a part of Eregion. I learned many new things about my new home such as the date was known as the Second Age, or S.A. and the date was 1695 which was a lucky year for me for Elrond had just been sent to this land by his lord, Gil-galad yet there was also a very unluky situation as we were also at war.

The War of the Elves had started just two years ago and  it was in SA 1697 Eregion was laid waste. Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion, was killed, and Khazad-dûm's gates were closed. Elrond fled north with the survivors, founding Imladris (Rivendell). This led me to believe that I was needed here in this world just as I was needed in my home before all this. Our enemy was called Sauron and he was a vicious and strategic opponent and in S.A. 1699, Sauron had all of Eriador fell under his control, and he set fire to the great forests in Enedwaith and Minhiriath to drive off the Elves and their allies (Edain). Imladris was besieged, and Lindon cut off from Imladris and Khazad-dûm.

The next year a great army of Númenor arrived, sent by Tar-Minastir and commanded by Ciryatur, which landed in Lindon, at Tharbad on the Gwathló, and south near Pelargir. Sauron's forces were caught in between the armies, and destroyed. The war ended in SA 1701 when Sauron retreated to the east, but Eregion was gone, and most of Eriador destroyed.

Elrond and I became friends quite quickly as he too was a sorcerer to his people and he could also use both forms of magic as he was a healer and was also a great warrior. In fact his skill with swords was amazing and we often discussed the idea of one day forging a blade together as I always wanted to learn such a noble profession and as far as I was concerned, he was the best. We studied together as well for he was a scholar as well and again this gave us common ground on which we built such a strong friendship. We shared many stories over the next few months and it was decided that I should have a birthday and since it seems we both shared the same amount of stories we must have spent the same amount of time in life so it was then that I received my birth date. From that day forward it was known that both Elrond ,(also called Peredhil),  and I shared a birthday, it was the First Age in the year 532 and was also known to be one hundred years after the birth of another famous man known as Beren Erchamion, a great man indeed but I shall not share his tale as it was not of my time but he is worth mentioning.

Many years have passed and the wars have raged and peace has also come and gone and I have discovered that my power from my past world is closely tied to the energies of this one. I have gained use of my magic again but I have not been able to wield any of the elves magic and this has caused me grief as my spells have almost caused me to be shunned because of their difference. I have also learned that each time I use my magic I become weaker and this troubles me for I do not know what will happen if I ever use the last of it. Will I die or will I become useless to my new brethren in the means of battle?

Perhaps one day we shall see...