Diary ~ Entry 11 ~ An Unexpected Encounter

Of course Barmy knew it all! He even had a map where this strange and far-away hobbity place was marked. It is not too far from that terrible lanky dwelling Lhanuch, where I nearly famished when I was staying there to learn that new dance. I copied the map as good as I could and went on to finally enjoy the spring festival. And enjoying it I did. I simply love that huge maze and running around in it, and all the beautiful rewards you get for it! First thing I got myself a hat, the same one Miss Tibba and Miss Sevelda were wearing, a beautiful one with flowers on the large brim.

While I was on my way to have a look at that shrew pest the elves got themselves, I decided to stop over in Michel Delving at the vault, to get some burgundy dye for my new hat. And there he stood, a friendly smiling hobbit lad I had never seen before, greeting me nicely. We got into talking and it turned out he was a distant cousin of Simbo, although he had not known Simbo until recently.

I don't know what it was, but he was the friendliest hobbit lad I ever met (must be something that comes with the Rumblebelly blood), and we ended up sitting at his campfire in Waymeet, under the stars, making food. He liked my catfish cakes, and was even impressed, but that was nothing compared with the food he made for me then! The most delicious stew I ever had, and sitting there and watching him prepare it and listening to his talking made me so happy - almost as happy as I was when eating it later. And almost as happy as I was when he asked me if I had a lad courting me, and if I would mind if he did.

To my surprise, all my friends seem to know Adrean already, and he even knows how to do the hopping dance. It turns out he has been there for Green Dragon Fridays at the time I was lying in Rivendell with a huge lump on my head and thinking I was a dwarf. Before I came back, he had moved to Buckland to help a friend with his cattle for a few months, so this is why I had never met him before. But I have met him now and I am the happiest hobbit lass of Middle-earth because of it. Well, maybe tied for first place with Miss Chryssie.