
Gelvira, Wood-Sculptor

Name Gelvira
Wood-Worker, specialising in the craft of ornaments, decorations and crockery.
Mid-Twenties - Twenty-Five, to be specific.
Previously, her Clan's Settlement in Chetwood, but she has now found herself to wander the lands.
Outward Appearance

Image by Elena Berezina

The most pronounced idiosyncrasy that Gelvira bares are her bold eyes, for which a shade of an auroral blue. This shade of blue is exquisite and almost breakable, as if her eyes resembled a sheet of transparent glass. Such a dainty shade would contrast with the colour of her skin, yet although she spends her time in the sun, it is not the colour that resembles most of her people. To compliment to her eyes, a crimson-like mixture subtly appears to be spread across her eye lids, distinguishing her eyes to be the most prominent piece to her allurement.


She’s of platinum blonde hair which masquerades down her slim back, cutting off a few inches off her elbows. Two thin braids start from either side of her temples, sculpting the back of her head before merging together to create one that flows to the ends of her hair.


Her chin is rounded off nicely, carving her face into a distinctive oval. Despite this, her facial lineaments are awfully thin, and therefore her jawline is incredibly defined as well as her cheek bones being curved and high. The figure she holds is tight and taut, and she rises to the height of five foot and seven inches.

Banner Art by Orduin


Weaponry Skill: Due to the hostile environment in which Gelvira was born, raised, and encountered as a young adult, she has some knowledge when wielding a weapon, and so she cannot be deemed completely useless in this regard. However, this knowledge is incredibly basic, and she is naive when it comes to the art of weaponry, due to her line of work being one that does not require the use of one.

In addition, Gelvira obtains a rather passive, yet not ridiculously strict, mentality and can only justify the act of violence if it is the most necessary call of action and/or a last resort. Thus, her knowledge would only be required in these circumstances, and so, she is not one to refine her experience and improve on her handling of a weapon.

Companions: Alaric, her most trusted companion, is a hound in which she greatly treasures. Naturally, it would be the way of her people to possess such a close relationship like she has with him, but Gelvira regards Alaric to be the only family she has left. As she has had him since her late-teen years, she has both developed and grown with Alaric by her side. 

More recently, Gelvira has adopted one of the pups from Brunan's litter, who she has named Heva.

Personality Traits: The way in which you will find Gelvira will heavily depend on your relationship to her, your significance in her life, and the mood you find her in. To a complete stranger, Gelvira bares the most common curtesy of politeness, and does not have much of an issue of interacting with them, yet only if she feels safe in her surroundings. She’d incredibly wary around anyone new, and so, may not always be the most talkative. Upon developing a relationship with her, she is a rather open and accepting individual, but tries to stay out of people and their own business the best she can. She enjoys being nosey on occasion, yet nothing so extensive that she’d be intruding on anyone. Gelvira is friendly, and for the most part, often has a smile across her features. Usually, she can be found extremely content, especially around her Clan, and so if you were to meet her surrounded by them, she would be a lot more open. She is one to speak her mind, but tries to do so in a way that benefits everyone, as she’s not one that likes to displease or disappoint.

However, Gelvira is also one that struggles to handle pressure and overwhelming emotions. So much so, she has had the tendency to lash out and reveal to some that she does have a bit of a temper. This isn’t a side of her that she likes to show often, nor does she really ever have the reason be like that, yet it isn’t unheard of.

Life before Chetwood:

Still a work in progress!


Due to the death of her past lover Faron, Gelvira's time with the Woodmen in Far Chetwood has come to an end. She has found herself unable to settle, and her she has not had the greatest luck, and so she has taken to the lands to roam with her hounds, Alaric and Heva, as well as Faron's hounds, Maugrim, Akela and Scorn. 

Alaric: Image by Andrea Schepisi


She considers Heriwulf, Ljota, Hildegund, and Faron to be friends, yet is also acquainted with Marnewyn, Beastmother, Leohna and Jessandra.
All of her immediate family are deceased, yet any other family would have remained in the Vales. She would regard her Clan, for which she travelled with, to be a sort of adoptive family.
She is rather wary around anyone she does not know, so everyone could be consider an enemy, until they prove to her otherwise. However, upon knowing her, she does not describe anyone specifically to be an enemy of hers.
Alaric and Heva, her hounds; travelling and exploring new places; her work; the family in which she has lost. She will always hold love for Faron.
Anything pickled; Loneliness
To ensure that she contributes to her Clan and its welfare, and do this to the best of her ability.
''I'll sulk.''

Gelvira's Adventures

The Fall of a Treasured Love 3 years 10 months ago
The Clearest of Minds 4 years 1 month ago
Healing Fear 4 years 2 months ago
Entry Six: A Broken Optimist 4 years 2 months ago
Entry Five: Triumph 4 years 2 months ago
Gelvira's Adventures

Gelvira's Gallery

Gelvira's Gallery