
The sense of ill tidings

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

The elven bread worked, and I recovered soon. I was of course not strong enough to travel large distances, but gained in a couple of days at least the strength to get out of my bed to see my sister and my master. And, the audience wouldn't be far away anymore either. As ladders would be madness, I descended my tree with a winding staircase, turning around the trees in circles. I headed to the gardens of Galadriel, where the pavilion of my friends was located.

Rest in the golden wood

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

I slowly awake. I saw a blur of stars and golden leaves. I was high among the trees, on one of these platforms the Galadhrim call telains. I lied on a bed, in a somewhat transparent pavilion. It was night. It was only after some time that I realized what transpired the previous days and that I understood why I was here. The bed felt soft, and the pillowcases was one of these filled with feathers. Next to me was a little nightstand. Upon it stood a candle and a strange kind of bread, wrapped in leaves yet untouched.

Lend me a hand

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

This hurts! I was thrown in the dungeon again. They, the orcs of these halls, brought me to a big room with high ceilings and it was more or less as dark as the prison; but in another tower wherein I was hidden from the darkest of the sky; to be exposed to practices darker still.

Remembrance of glory

Theogorn claims the only right to write, for Amarthorn has been more than a father for him.

This story depics Theogorns second stage of life. This chronicle contains the beautiful moments Theogorn and Amarthorn spent together in their journeys and in the vales of Anduin.

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