Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


Tiverton Ashenbrook

Name Tiverton
Scribe & Chronicler / Excursionist
Late Tweens
No.1 Chestnut Street, Hamglen, Bree-Land
Outward Appearance


Physical Appearance: Tiverton is a hobbit in his late tweens, having recently turned thirty years of age. He stands around three foot seven inches tall supported by a well-built, lean physique; most uncommon for a member of the Ashenbrook family who are usually quite large in stature. He is considered to be quite handsome and is no stranger to a smile, which is displayed quite frequently. His voice is usually warm and full of mirth, complimenting his refined accent and well-mannered tone.


In dress he usually favours earthy colours, chiefly brown and green. He takes pride in his appearance and is seldom seen as scruffy or untidy. Usually, he is seen carrying a large backpack, containing his favourite quill and inkpot, accompanied by several fresh sheets of paper. 


Distinguishing Features: There are no outstanding features about this hobbit, for he has lived quite a sheltered life away from risk and danger. He would however happily tell you the tale of how he acquired a small scar situated upon his right foot. Although, the old wound is hidden by blonde hair and is therefore difficult to notice.


Education: As a scribe and chronicler by nature, Tiverton has been well educated under the tutelage of his father, Ulwell Ashenbrook. He is a born academic and writer who excelled in all his studies. Something which the family had hoped would influence his cousin and studying partner, Remaric Malvern; with little success.


Languages Spoken: Westron


Preferred Choice of Weaponry: He often jests that his quill and words best serve as his weapon of choice, however having encountered problems on the road he has become more cautious over the years. As a result, he carries a small dagger upon his belt whilst travelling.

Special Abilities/Skills: Tiverton displays a dazzling charisma and a keen sense of intuition. As an analytical thinker, undoubtedly due to his chosen profession, he usually keeps a level head when in difficult situations and can assess the best and most logical course of action in the heat of the moment.


Both an admirable and charming hobbit by all accounts, Tiverton Ashenbrook is the pride and joy of his father, Ulwell. From an early age he demonstrated an aptitude for learning and kept his hands clean of any mischief or wrong-doing in the Shire; despite several advances. When he wasn’t tending to his studies he would be writing songs and poems that gripped the chief town of Michel Delving and beyond. This was his passion, his hobby and soon to be part of his profession.

Commissioned by the archivists of Tookborough, Tiverton was charged to document and catalogue all manner of histories of The Shire. Whilst some would see this as hard and tiresome labour, the young hobbit thrived in the libraries, fulfilling his ever growing thirst for knowledge. It was not long before he was asked to serve as a mediator between the Great Smials and the Scholar's Stairs in Bree-town. A responsibility he accepted with great enthusiasm.

Making frequent journeys between the two lands, Tiverton became well acquainted with Master Fiontann and his partner, Cedwyn, who were members of The Black Steel company situated within the township of Hamglen. They welcomed the hobbit into their home and there peaked his interest in offering him the position of scribe and chronicler. Eager to serve a greater cause and make a difference in the world, he gratefully accepted the role and set up temporary residence beside their headquarters. There the young hobbit remains, busy at work and becoming much wiser to the world beyond the borders of The Shire.

Fiontann, Cedwyn and other members of The Black Steel Company.
Father: Ulwell Ashenbrook, Cousin: Remaric Malvern.
None of any consequence.
Walks, tales, ale, writing, poetry, songs, riddles, nature, history, travelling, good company and The Shire
Foul language, violence, beetroot and frothy ale.
To write poems and stories that will stand the test of time.
“My sentiments entirely."

Tiverton's Adventures

Tiverton's Adventures

Tiverton's Gallery

Tiverton's Gallery