Laurelin Archives is MOVING!
Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.
We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!
Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc
Aiya Eärendil elenion ancalima!
"Brightest than any other star is Earendil, he who bears one of the febled Silmarilli, I often wonder what it would be like, to sail in a sea of clouds like birds do... and is it not said by the Eldar that his wife is indeed a bird? I know not, but for what I have been told by my elders"