The One Thing He Could Never Have - Aglarzor's Unmet Desire.

The torches of the black room illuminated them, on the steps to his throne. The Black Numenorean Lord, powerful and mighty, held a scrawny woman in heavy robes. He was tender in his embrace, soft and kind. She was his willing captive, fallen into his arms. The torches flickered as they stood in solitude. No one was here to see him weak, and to see him be weak with a slave. A high ranking, well off slave, but still a slave.

He asked her the same question once again.

"Be my queen," he said, caressing her back as she rested against his chest, "I will make you most adorned and splendid of all the Black Numenorean brides."

She buried her face in his shirt, "I'm Nurnhoth. A Nurnhoth slave. You're from a proud race of pure blood. Your brethren will not approve."

Aglarzor gave her waist a squeeze, protective and threatening in his tone, "I will make them approve."

Then, he softened into the gentle man she and she alone knew. He pressed his lips against her head, her messy blonde hair rustling from his warm breath, "If you let me."

She wrapped her arms around him, lifting her head, "I... I love you. I love you so much, my lord, but..."

"... You still long for the sea of Nurn."

The silence bit into them. Alone in the throne room, they continued to hold each other, love each other, knowing that the great expanse between them was oh so grand.

She turned her head and pecked his chin, sighing, then she finally broke the embrace. "You'll be meeting your black uruk prison ward in two hours. I should get your boots and cloak." A sad, nostalgic smile formed on her chapped lips, "We both know Gorgoroth has never been kind to travelers."

Memories rolled in both their minds as she turned to her duties. As she left, back turned, the smoke from the torches hid her behind her silhouette. The lord, the king, could have anything he demanded. He had riches, glory, a bountiful amount of servants and slaves at his disposal. He had his army, his rivals quaked before him, and his province was thriving and well off. Even the slaves lived well under his rule. He had everything, he could take more. Yet, out of love and respect he dared not order his beloved to the alter unwilling. He extended his arm in a desperate reach for her, yearning for the day she said yes.