Letters: To Blid - Belated Reply

My Dearest Blid, 

I received your letter not too long ago, and it was by my own laziness and not-eager-to-get-out-of-bed-ness that it has taken me so long to reply, and I know that it will take even longer to reach you because I do not know where you are right now. I hope you're safe, I hope Durin's Day was everything you hoped it was, and I hope that the other dwarves were not mean to you. I'd hate to have to come somewhere I'm not welcome so I could yell at some dwarves for you. I actually think I'd love that, so scratch that out.

Most of my days I spend at home or in the yard or I go to Bree for a drink or to look in the market. I miss working. I think Maddoct would fuss over me if I went back to work before at least three years. I don't think humor crosses so well over letters, that was most certainly a joke. 

I miss you both, please come see me when you come back to Bree. I love having Sedryn around, but I miss the company of friends. He's said that he's going to go with me to the Lone Lands every time I go from now on. I'm torn between feeling offended because I'm perfectly capable, you know. But I also feel relief because sometimes I'm gone for weeks, and that would make that a little easier.

If you are with Maddoct, please give him my love. And Maurr too, I was very fond of your sibling.

With much love, 
