Quick Stop in Bree

Calagand hopes to find Agromnir – to inform him of the truth of Edhelfaron and everything else – before fully setting off with the others. But unfortunately the young watchman is out of sight, and Cala uses the time instead to quickly switch steeds, find his watch dog Tod, and gather a few provisions. Perhaps Agrom will eventually learn by a scout like before… though, with all the recent events, that is rather unlikely as it would be lowest on the priority list. But besides the lad simply needing to know, Cala can’t help but feel Bree is unsafe for him. Because as far as the silver-haired man is concerned, Alestair is a mad dog that must be put down – his unknown, dangerous intentions entirely devoid of real reason. Agromnir could be targeted, even if quite unlikely... But the worrying captain can only do so much himself.

Once ready, the four of them continue on, towards the Lone-lands, with it being only a matter of time before the Wolfe learns of their journey and mission to find the weapon that could turn the tide, if it is real. However, it is understood that the group will receive aid along the way, with other warriors and such joining them, offering greater protection against the attacks that will inevitably come.