Summer Picnic (Open RP)

Come celebrate the start of summer with a relaxing picnic in the picturesque village of Hookworth!

June 3rd, 2018
3:00pm servertime (8:00pm GMT)
The Sizzling Turtle Tavern, 2 Broadford Street, Hookworth

Event details:

Summer is the perfect time for a picnic! The Sizzling Turtle tavern in the village of Hookworth, just a few miles east of Bree, is ready to serve guests and travelers alike with a pint of cold ale, or fresh fruit from local orchards, all ready to be enjoyed on the picnic tables beneath the trees outside. Or take a blanket and enjoy sitting by the lazy river or waterfall nearby. Kick off your shoes, dip your toes, and watch the sun set! 

OOC details:

(This is going to be a very informal, relaxed event. Please feel free to show up whenever you like and stay as long as you wish. People are welcome to RP inside the Turtle or outside, or walk around the village if you like! This is just an open invitation to encourage some RP for anyone in or around Bree.)

(Sponsored by the Knights of Eriador)

Brynleigh, Ramield/Inayat

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