
The air was very still in the forest, the moss like a sponge beneath her as her back rested against the wide trunk of an ancient tree. It was likely suffering a slow death, once magnificent, now dark vines encircling, winding their way upon the dull bark, extending their tendrils out through the claw like branches. The tree though thrived with the lives of others, insects, birds and squirrels. Like parasites, using the boughs, the bark, leaves, even the sap, whatever life remained in the tree to make lives for themselves.  The water skin at her left side was still quite full, the dog at her other side was content, his long body sprawled out in rest. She adored him, his loyalty showed no bounds.  The light fell through the leafy canopy in small shafts, enough to illuminate their way and allow them pause to rest without fear of it disappearing soon, it was late morning after all. She wasn't drowsy, though should have been. Her sleep had been fitful for days, she needed peace, she needed calm, she needed the woodlands that had kept her company so often. It was unwise though to sleep in the forest, the tales of unnatural creatures, of paths changing, of trees moving, so she did not try, instead, she wrote...

Men.  Why is it always men?  They cause no end of difficulties. They believe themselves to be far superior to women, yet lack even basic common sense! Normally men with beards I have found.  Ambitious, idiotic creatures, no, cretins!  This, Wolf person, no different! Another man that thinks he is a prophet, a saviour, that feels he has the right to uproot all and sundry for his personal gains, that he represents the greater good. Efram..same. Emirson..same.  Gavner..same.  Dare I say, even the Bard and Gerlof show such egotistical traits.   What makes a man believe they have dominion over others?  Normally women.  Women who bow down to them, slither at their feet, all for the promise of praise, to be favored, to be their special pet.  These men do not care for such women, their only care is for themselves, fulfilling their goals, no matter how misguided, idiotic, they are. This guest of my dear friend, a deluded woman, idiotic, desperate, her common sense gone, blinded, by a man who would whisper poisonous words into her ear.

With an affectionate smile and a sigh, she reached out to scratch at the sleeping wolfhounds ear, the dog not waking, though his paws twitching as he dreamt. 

I am being unfair.  I write as if all men are cut from the same cloth. They are not.  Hafstein, for his part, so far has shown remorse, humility and loyalty.  I know not why he feels assured in my company, why he confessed in my presence, other than I showed him more kindness than others have afforded. They saw a drunk, I saw a man.  The payment for his debt to me is in hand, he offers payment in blood and strength. He will come to my assistance should I ask it, yet it is like holding back a ravenous dog, he desires to seek out an enemy, any I think, to sink his blade into.  Perhaps to simply be free of the debt, or perhaps to sate his appetite for violence.  I know not, yet, but he does have a beard.

I miss you Elirior. I doubt you shall be pleased to hear that I come to these woodlands alone, nor surprised. You will probably be displeased regarding my keeping company with strange men, Gerlofs "guest" at his place of business, and my part in it.  Thinking back, you know next to nothing of what has occurred.  Rahvic was most displeased you left me at such a time, but then he has hardly been concerned for my welfare, the man is likely going from one lass to the next in hope of sympathy or attention.  I miss your touch. Our ways when we are alone. I am now growing concerned for your safety. 

She afforded herself a moment to close her eyes, a moment to imagine his form, his face, their reunion, until a "SNAP* of dry, broken wood being stepped upon pulled her from her pleasant day dream.  Suddenly alert, her dogs hackles proud, his teeth bared in warning toward the large figure that  came closer...