(report from previous RP which took place in Oct/Nov 2024, to catch up)
The Company received information, that from time to time some travellers are going missing on the part of East road around Forsaken Inn. It was our mission to check this, as there was no larger securing of that area long time ago.
Tarnon, Raspberrien and a few other members set up on a scout expedition.
They found out a ransacked waggon already on the road from Bree to the inn. But among the scattered remains they found a strange book, which appeared to be a journal of some kind, but there were notes and craftsman sketches of weapons inside. No one was able to find a clue in it yet.
The party got refreshed at the not-so-much-Forsaken-anymore Inn and set up for more investigation to the east. The scouts noticed a camp with a bonfire soon after, so the party went near to inquire. They were attacked - it was a fake refugee camp (it was suspicious from the first point).
The Company was obviously victorious and stunned one of the villains to interrogation. The bad guy confessed that their activity is somehow connected to half-orcs. This made the mood in the party uneasy, because it was very long time since half-orcs were seen in this region, if ever.
The unlucky fake refugee chose his fate when he resisted to be transported to Bree justice, so he was executed on place.
The party continued on the road to the east, checking all activity. They indeed encountered two half-orc scouts and defeated them, finding very strange and dangerous weapons in their hands, especially a spear with barbed edge. The weapon was resembling to one of the sketches in the craftsmans book, but it caused only more questions.
It seemed that more in eastern direction could be more clues, as there were ancient ruins that were usually inhabited by someone. Mithrenost and Naerost were the biggest.
A lone half-orc scout was spotted on the way, but alas disappeared.
Nevertheless, the party continued southeast to Mithrenost to found out that it was largely populated by dourhand dwarves.
There they set up a camp for the night and to discuss possibilities and following approach to the situation.
(a try to refresh and continue the story, cca 25 Jan 2025)
Tarnon left the party at the camp under Mithrenost and went to Bree for some scholar support to read/translate the strange sketchbook. Luckily he met another fellow member of the numerous Company of the East Road, lore-mistress Imeviel. As Tarnon cannot read, he asked for help with it. Imeviel was able to read it and it turned out it is indeed a diary and at the same time a craftsman handbook, but there were more questions emerging.
(Was the author of the drawings also the crafter of the weapons? Or did he only noted the deadly weapons and then his caravan was attacked? Or was it yet different? Can the Company find any other evidence in Lone Lands?)
Tarnon also told her about strange heap of cargo he discovered while scouting the way back from Lone lands and together they set off to check it.
The duo reached the foot of Weathertop, where there was still the cargo covered by sheets of waxed canvas. What looked as supply of firewood turned out to be a cunningly hidden stash of weapons, including the barbed spears and blades. Tarnon and Imeviel decided to leave the place and join the others in Lone Lands before taking any other action, as there was still too many mysteries about this case.