Journal Entry 18 : Learning New Skills

Learning New Skills

Since finding myself with more free time over the past several weeks; between training and earning coin I have been working on learning new skills to occupy myself - and to make myself useful outside of combat. 

I have begun tending to my own weapons, learning to make repairs and even make new weapons. I am not quite a full-fledged blacksmith yet, but it's coming along well. When I am able, I aim to make a greatsword, worthy of Gondor. I have made Kirseth a nice pair of daggers and they appear to be doing well for her. Maybe I could be of further help to the villagers of Hookworth if I improve my smithing.

I have also been practicing fishing, although this isn't a new skill to me - it is something I've never been to good at, nor have I enjoyed it - but it as important skill when on the road and in need of food.

I heard tell of an Inn far to the East, called "The Forsaken Inn" - Kirseth and I have made arrangements to travel to this place. Since The Vale of Andrath appears  to be blocked by what can only be described as a small army, this is the safest direction of our journey home.

These skills should come in handy, as it is a far distance, indeed.

We do not intend to make the journey home, yet - this is just a test. Our first time leaving Breeland since arriving. Our intentions are to stay at The Forsaken Inn for a few days after our travels, before eventually making our way back to Hookworth.