
Silwë Mírdan

Name Silwe
Master Jewel-smith, Former Ñoldorin Military Commander, Diplomat
Too Old For This
Imladris, Lindon, Wandering
Outward Appearance


Silwë is an elf-lord of indeterminate age and obvious Noldorin heritage.

Even among the Elves, Silwë is unusually tall, and of slender build as well, with a tendency to wear long, formal, dark robes and cloaks that make him seem taller still; fair of skin and raven-haired. If freed, his dark hair falls  to his hips, and is (both when it is loose and when it is plaited or pinned up or bsck) adorned throughout with impossibly tiny cut-crystal beads in the shape of stars, glittering as he moves like starlight caught in his inky black hair—intentionally so, for most of the elaborate jewelry he wears is inspired similarly, with stars and celestial motives in silvery metals and luminous opalescent gemstones that seem to glow with flame or flash with lightning within.


In the way of the Elves, his features seem untouched by age, and a luminous, otherworldly quality plays across his proud features and lights his eyes within, at times unsettling, but  undeniably ancient. He despite this seems pleasant more often than not, and is frequently insatiably curious and inquisitive. 


Charming and erudite, cold, elegant and aloof, Silwë is a study in contradictions within and without, for there is mischief and laughter in him still, and wonder. A wink, a dry chuckle, a pun. The former cano is a practiced diplomat, an ambassador, but social aptitude comes difficult to him. He is no scholar, nor is he nobility, but he moves through those circles as well as that of soldiers and smiths. He is both a trader of information and fiercely loyal keeper of secrets. He is at times moody and unpredictable, and often keeps to himself, but restlessness drives him away from isolation.


He is missing his right hand from the wrist down, and does not hide this nor does he seem bothered by its absence--more often than not does not care to wear a prosthetic hand, but his primary hand prosthetic (the one most people are likely to see) is a subtle masterwork of Dwarven engineering and artistry. Beneath the leather of a fitted leather glove of dove grey or black leather, which functions as skin does for grip and protection, is the hand-device, intricately and highly articulated made of a flexible, lightweight, high-strength dwarrow-craft alloy. When worn, Silwë's use of his (prosthetic) right hand is what most would consider their off-hand in terms of fine-focus dexterity, though his hand movements as natural as his real hand. Sorcery, it seems, but it is practice and familiarity with using the complicated device, wrought long ago in Khazad-dum.



Height: 7'0"
Build: Slender
Hair: Black, hip length
Eyes: Silver/Grey
Complexion: Fair
Demeanor: Intense, Charming, Inscrutable, Changeable

NOTEWORTHY VISUALS (aka, What You'd Notice Upon Meeting Silwë):

Silwe adorns himself at all times with the following:

  • 6 delicate loop earrings along the edge of each ear
  • An elegantly engraved wedding band on the first finger of his hand, the intricate design of which features leaves and stars.
  • A wide silver band inset with a slice of jade, of obviously and significantly lower-quality make than the rest, but clearly sentimental.
  • A smooth sea-pebble worn as a pendant, on a fine silvery chain
  • A circular medallion wrought of cold dark iron, worn to fasten his cloak or wrap, or upon his chest, with the eight-pointed, eight-rayed Star of Fëanor at its center, each precisely engraved line polished to an inky gloss, shimmering against the flat-black, fell metal into which it is graven. It is encircled by silvery inlaid Tengwar script. 


A former jewel-smith of Valinor, and follower of Fëanáro into Beleriand, he found himself, eventually, known as Cáno Silwë, a tactical commander who served under Makalaurë (Maglor) during the wars in Beleriand. There is a gap in his story after he went missing and resurfaced after the Ñoldor attacked Menegroth. He was taken to the hidden city of Gondolin to recover from grevious war-wounds, only to become survivor of its fall.

There is little said of the happiest years of his life, for they are also the briefest. in the last years of the First Age, he wed an elleth of Doriath at the Havens of Sirion, but was widowed only a few hundred years later, leaving him to raise his young daughter alone.

In these days, he is known for having the honour of being named a Master Jewel-smith of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, to those who remember the lost kingdom of Eregion and the Noldorin jewel-crafters who dwelt, taught, and worked there before it too was lost to treachery and the mist of time.

Many other places has Silwë called home, but he was called to stand a last time in service to the Ñoldor during the the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, which cost both the Ñoldor and the Wood-elves dearly; he returned in grief thereafter to Lindon (where long ago he had wed and built a home at the seaside) and spent much of the early Third Age mourning those who were lost, and that which was lost.

He currently resides in the peace of Imlad Gelair in Imladris, the last of the Master Jewel-smiths of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain to dwell there, and perhaps one of the last on this side of the Sea

He wanders at times, coming and going with little notice, but in recent days lingers in Rivendell more than he leaves. He often can be found in his workshop behind Tham Angol, writing, creating, and teaching what he can of his ancient craft on to his apprentice, the journeyman jewel-smith Cirtamir, son of Tolmen.



Fluent: Noldorin Quenya (Valinorean & Exilic), Common Quenya, Sindarin, Ancient Eldarin
Conversational: Westron/Common, Nandorin, Telerin, Avarin
Write/Read/Translate: Black-speech

* Silwë natively speaks Ñoldorin Quenya as a native language, which may be surprising to those who have learned it as a matter of academia or art/poetry—his is the language of the Nobility but also of craftsmen and soldiers.

* In other Elvish languages it is noticable that he speaks with a notable but slight accent, though he tries to mask it as well as he can—when he does not, it is clear to those who would know, that he speaks with the recognizable accent of the Ñoldor of Aman.

* Silwe speaks Westron rarely and has a very noticeable and unusual accent when he speaks it. Though he understands it fluently, it is the language most recently learned, and he learned by way of formal communication—in short, it is archaic and often seems silly.


  • Elves of the Great Journey
  • Calaquendi Ñoldor
  • Jewel-smiths of Valinor
  • Fëanorean Exiles
  • Ñoldorin military (Himring/The Gap)
  • Survivors of the Fall of Gondolin or Sirion
  • Gwaith-i-Mírdain of Eregion
  • Gwaith-i-Mírdain of Imladris (Refugees)
  • Subjects of Oropher in Amon Lanc
  • Diplomats (2nd & 3rd Age)
  • Soldiers of the Alliance of Elves and Men

If you are someone who fits one of those descriptions, or otherwise would like to have previous history with Silwë or would like to know more, please talk to me OOC. 

((for inquiries about my kinship Túrë Lá Pairë please use in-game mail, as I very infrequently check LA messages))

Telpelir, Hravanis, Curulirno
Ainurel (Wife - Deceased), Siliel Isilimë (Daughter) and Argollon Laechendir (Son-in-Law); Chosen Family: Nautiel, Tolmen, Dúrandis
Few if any are ever worth the energy it would require to hate them
jewelsmithing, secrets, cats, gossip
clams, seafaring, inconvenience, injustice
To see the unseen and know the unknown
“I will try anything twice to ensure that I hate it.”

Silwe's Adventures

A Moment Captured and Remembered 10 months 3 weeks ago
Lost at Sea 1 year 3 months ago
The Unrest and the Thinning Veil 2 years 6 months ago
Defiant Still We Honour Thee 4 years 10 months ago
A Life Before Sorrow 6 years 1 month ago
Silwe's Adventures

Silwe's Gallery

Silwe's Gallery