Event Archive

The Hobbitry's Annual Yule Party

You are warmly invited to our much-anticipated annual Yule party!

December 21st, 2024
7PM GMT/2PM server time
4 Brookbank Street, Sootcrest, Shire Homesteads

Wintertime Poetry Competition

The Winter tree

Is fast asleep.

She dreams, in reams

Of snow knee-deep


The weather is turning colder, them nights have drawn in. Soon snow will cover these lands, as the earth sleeps in peace.

This is the time ter take stock of all things grand.



December 15th, 2024
7:30 pm GMT ((2:30 Server time))
Frostbluff meet by the stables

Monthly Merriment at Tom Bombadil's House

On the second Weekend of each month, paths through The Old Forest and Northern Barrow Downs are cleared, so that any who wishes can come visit Tom Bombadil's house for a social event. Come and make merry and contemplate nature and life with me and our gracious hosts Tom Bombadil and Goldberry. Food, drink and pipe weed will be provided.

December 14th, 2024
3PM Servertime
Tom Bombadil's House, The Old Forest [32.7S, 57.3W]. (Perhaps most easily reached if you enter from the North Barrow Downs)

Merchant's Guild Council Meeting

Come join the merchants of Bree-land as they bicker endlessly over trivial matters in the Merchant’s Guild Council Meeting. The Merchant’s Guild is an advisory body to the Mayor and as such has no real, direct political power. So the Mayor will likely discard or ignore the majority of petitions sent to him by the Merchant’s Guild. But the fun of political RP is in the process, not the results!

December 14th, 2024
3 PM Server Time
Bree-town Hall

Green Dragon Friday (weekly hobbit event)

Come join the local hobbits for a lively night at the inn! Bring a riddle, song, poem or story, or just come to chat, drink, dance and share news and gossip. Welcome hobbits!

December 13th, 2024
7:30PM UK time (2:30PM servertime)
The Green Dragon, Bywater, The Shire

Hûd Eledhrim - Hall of Fire Wednesday (ELVEN roleplay)

Hearken to the call, Eldar!

On every such night of the week, Elves gather in the Hall of Fire. Come for converse, food and drink, music and song, poetry and tale-telling!

December 11th, 2024
Every Wednesday when the moon begins its journey above Arda. (3PM servertime; and for players over the wide sea, 8PM. To find the correct time type /servertime while in-game.)
Hall of Fire, Last Homely House, Rivendell

Songburrow Yule Tree Ceremony

Serve up the mulled wine!
Raise the yule tree!
Let us celebrate the start of yule together!

December 8th, 2024
7:30PM UK time / 2:30PM servertime
4 Brookbank Street, Songburrow, The Shire

'At the Sign of the Prancing Pony' (Every Friday; 2:00 & 7:00 PM)

The smell of pipeweed and the sound of merry laughter drifts from the open door of the Inn of the Prancing Pony. It is a Highday, and like every Highday, Barliman Butterbur has opened his  common room to guests from lands near and far to sample his beer in exchange for coin, conversation, and a promise 'not to go up into thin air, thank you very much!'

December 6th, 2024
2:00 PM (for EU players) and 7:00 PM (for NA players)
The Prancing Pony, Bree-town

Grand Yule Market

Ho ho ho! Come join the hobbits and the dwarves as they come together in good cheer to celebrate Yule in this year's Grand Yule Market!

December 1st, 2024
2:30 PM Server Time
2 Colt Road, Litwick, Kingstead Meadows Homesteads

16th Annual Grand Elven Ball

Are you an Elf in need of celebration with music, great dance displays, culinary delights, sight of the finest clothing or delightful interaction? The annual Grand Elven Ball of Vanimar is held for 16th time! Our guest band this year is Mondbarden.

November 30th, 2024
3 PM servertime (EST) / 9 PM CET
Kinhouse of Vanimar — Falathlorn Homesteads, Lant Veren, 5 Waterbank Road
