Journey through the echoes of Beleriand's lost grandeur in a haunting tale of love and loss. Tol Morwen, a silent sentinel off Lindon's coast, bears witness to the tragic saga of Morwen Eledhwen, her heroic son Túrin Turambar, and daughter Nienor...

16th Annual Grand Elven Ball Elvealin Rivendell 1 day 22 hours ago
Lindamar Presents “The Annals of Beleriand” Elvealin Rivendell 1 month 3 weeks ago
WANTED Deorla Rivendell 3 months 3 weeks ago
Sprit Sprit Hobbit
Gyldenhelm Gyldenhelm Took Hobbit
Cylo Cylo Banks Hobbit
Elbornir Elbornir Calanwe, of... Elf
Turuchir Turuchir Elf
Dewgwyn Dewgwyn Silvertwig Hobbit
Hroswynn Captain Hroswyn Heardfyst Man