Wilderness Appreciation Day - February 24

~*~ Springing from the twilight lake, Running south to sea. On its west, a meadow-land, On its east, the wilds of men. Running through cliffs, out to the plains, Meet where a rock guards the meeting of streams. Blue water and yellow, Two piers and a willow. ~*~
February 24th, 2011

Event details:
~*~ Springing from the twilight lake, Running south to sea. On its west, a meadow-land, On its east, the wilds of men. Running through cliffs, out to the plains, Meet where a rock guards the meeting of streams. Blue water and yellow, Two piers and a willow. ~*~ Suilad, Elves and Elf-friends! The time has come to take a break from war and struggle, to leave destruction and strife behind and take comfort in the beauty of our world Arda. Join us then as we meet by moonlight to bathe in the beauty of Nature, to take rest from Her and return Her favour in our songs and blessings. ~*~ Linna Na Gelaidh invite all lovers of nature to the Wilderness Appreciation Days, where we shall meet in one of the most beautiful spots of Middle-Earth, take comfort in her restfulness and bless the land with songs and prayers. Even if our prayers alone can not hold the Shadow back forever, they will bring gladness to the land for a short time, and strengthen it in its fight against the corruption...
OOC details:

The next event will be held on Thursday, February 24, 20:00 /servertime (that's 20 British time, 21 Mid European). 

This is an all races welcome event! Everyone is welcome to bring their own poetry, song (though please no pop music) or story to tell around the campfire, food to share and wine to drink. It is an open RP event, a friendly social gathering where anything can happen :) Hug some trees, sing a song and enjoy the pretty scenery in Lotro without having to fight for a change.
Please keep all OOCness, killing (even of mobs unless they stray into our circle and are attacking) and fighting out though :)

Whisper Nimlith or Miji if you need help finding the spot or an escort. 


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