Captain's Quick Report: "Polnolunie" presents: concert "Tears of Spring"

(March 26th, 2016)

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This is related to the following event:
"Polnolunie" presents: concert "Tears of Spring"
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Captain's Quick Report: "Polnolunie" presents: concert "Tears of Spring"


  Busy times, busy times!  There is much to do, and such little time to take care of oneself; it appears I have caught a slight cold, and will be needing to rest for some a few days.  Though my throat is sore and in need of recovery as well -- it was not I whom sang just hours ago songs with beautiful lyrics and moving meaning; no, that great feat was accomplished by the one and only, the splendid 'Polnolunie' musicians!

  Performing just over by the open stage area outside the Prancing Pony Inn, nestled into a corner between two buildings on each side,  the 'Polnolunie' performed what was advertised on posters around town as being a concert for 'Tears of Spring'; beautiful slow music with melancholy lyrics was the exact words -- and they sure did deliver they did!

  Now while this ol' Bree Captain surely claps his hands more often to merry tunes that ring of lively and joyful themes... there was something indeed beautiful in the words sung, and melodies played by the Polnolunie, that did strike me to emotions of deep appreciation. For their lyrics and instruments did combine to tell many a moving story; some upon a note of sadness but thoughtful reflection, and others that one could still dance a small jig too nonetheless.  It was a very wonderful occasion, and though my heart still lies with more uplifting music and not ones of sadness or melancholy; the Polnolunie have proven that their talents can still make such tunes as memorable and beautiful to listen with attentive ears -- despite even one's own personal preferences perhaps!  Hohoho!

  But now I must quickly end this writing, and send forth the report for the Archives as I depart for other business, and some needed rest for my sore throat and cold nose where possible -- there is a long journey ahead to rest well for; the White Flames will be playing once more in the settlement of Gúndalaf in which their kinship calls home; performing this month a concert with only 'Queen' songs, a tribute to a band of the same name that one of the White Flames member's once met while travelling distant lands.

  Now time to sleep, and hope for a more exciting few days upon the 'morrow!


Captain Naismithea Willarc

Watcher of Roads
Representative of the Bree Captain's Guild
Officer of the Sworn Wanderers








Overview Collection






(( Disclaimer: Hello folks, I'd like to caution you that taking a look at the embedded slideshow coming up below will likely not go too well if your in a hurry, and hoping to just get a 'general gander' at what the event was like.  The 'Overview Collection' above is more suited for that!

  Viewing the album embedded below is more geared for those folks looking to get a /slightly/ more play-by-play spirit of how things unfolded.  In fact, I only recommend having a browse through if for some reason, you have an urge to well... just look at a lot and lot of screenshots -- many of the shot angles/perspectives being repeated in other screenshots but at different times during the event, etc!  Thanks for reading.

  Extra Note: Remember as well that these screenshots don't capture every word and line spoken by those singing songs or reading out poems and stories!  Don't expect to catch everything that was said, but you should get a general gist/idea of the kind of things that were said! ))



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