
Loor Turindriel Elithen

Name Loor
None - Dead
An elf of the first age
Lórien, Imladris, Lindon
Melendor (Primary Kinship)
Outward Appearance


~A brief description of Loor~

Loor Turindriel Elithen does not take too kindly to those whom speak ill of his family name, or especially those of the Noldor. He is an extremely proud and arrogant Elf, and will go out of his way to get what he desires, and remove those in his path.

Examples of these can be directed through his old duties within Bree, he very harshly looked down upon the Men, especially the women. He believes that the women should be kept within their homes, looking after the children and doing tailoring jobs.

Whilst in Imladris, he still tends to look down upon those Elves unknown to him, or those belonging to a certain kin, or clan. In Imladris, a few Elves are known to stand up to Loor, but he quickly talks down to them, and make them learn their place. 

Loor tends to become fearful, during acts of rebellion to his name, family name or Noldorian heritage, thus, he would swiftly and quickly sort the matter out.

He believes himself to be "superior", and if it was not for Council objections to his proposed laws during his time as Ambassador to Bree, Bree would have been in ruin.

With his right hand, he holds his weapon, but with his left, he holds authority, a type of authority which many have already suffered from.


(Please see the Book of Turindriel listed in Loor's adventures, a thanks goes to Andarne for revamping it)


(PS: I'm actually a nice guy behind Loor! :D)



Elindriel, Aladwin, Deanadan, Argadane, Amlarad, Jagdin, Haethoria, Joy, Drandr, Hereko, Merioc, Periadock, Olomond
Galadven, Teremonth, Naurlith, Seliab, Ostui, Ithilwien, Albillion
The Free Peoples
Family and friends.
Violent attacks upon his Kin, or news of death of his kin.
Taking land for his own
Nothing Truly Ends

Loor's Adventures

The Sacrificial Hunt #5 8 years 10 months ago
The Sacrificial Hunt #4 11 years 5 months ago
The Sacrificial Hunt #3 11 years 6 months ago
The Sacrificial Hunt #2 11 years 6 months ago
The Sacrificial Hunt #1 11 years 6 months ago
Loor's Adventures

Loor's Gallery

Loor's Gallery