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"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc

Name | Teahesto |
Status | Active |
Occupation | Captain, escorting Elves bound for ships to sail the Straight Road |
Age | First Age Elf, among the very oldest |
Race | Elf |
Residence | Felegoth |
Kinship |
Outward Appearance |
YA 1360 - born in Ossiriand
YA 1497 - Followed Denethor into the First Battle of Beleriand. After the battle, chose to join Thingol in Doriath to continue the 'watchful peace'. When news came to Thingol of the arrival of Feanor, Teahesto and a small company set out to meet him as emissaries from Doriath, joining them at last at their camp on Lake Mithrim. Here Teahesto joined the Noldor in the the second battle of Beleriand, Dagor-nuin-Giliath (Battle Under the Stars).
After Feanor's death, Teahesto followed Maidros back to Mithrum, then returned to Menegroth with news of the battles.
FA 20 - As a member of a company of escorts, Teahesto accompanied Thingol's messengers, Dairon and Mablung to Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting. Here, Teahesto was briefly reunited with his Ossiriand kin and also met Cirdan.
FA 52 - Thingol sent Teahesto as one of the guides to lead Finrod to the Caverns of Narog, where Finrod (Felagund) established Nargothrond.
FA 60 - Teahesto was sent as part of Thingol's contingent to the Dagor Aglareb (Glorious Battle), the Third Battle of the Wars of the Jewels. As the Siege of Angband begins, Teahesto returns to Doriath.
FA 102 - As part of Galadreil's retinue, attends her from Doriath to Nargothrond.
FA 455 - When word reaches Thingol of the beginning of Dagor Bragollach (Battle of Sudden Flame), he dispatches a company of messengers, including Teahesto, to investigate and send back news. Scouting to the west, they join Finrod, who is defeated at the Fens of Serech, but luckily their encircling Orc foes were driven back by Barahir and his force of Men. When Finrod returns to Narthogrond, Teahesto's company continues with the Men to Dorthonion for a time, impressed by them and desiring to learn more to report to Thingol.
FA 456 - Teahesto’s reports to Thingol describe the fall of Dorthonion, the exodus of their women and children, and the descent of the surviving Men, including Barahir and his men-kin, into the state of outlaws and wild beasts to be hunted by Sauron’s forces.
FA 458 - Inspired by Teahesto’s reports, Thingol sets out a formidable force, to which Teahesto was assigned, to assist Haleth with the defense of Brethil. The destruction of the Orc-legion there halted any further attempts to cross the Taiglin for many years.
FA 462 - Redirecting his forces to the east, with Teahesto assigned, Thingol broke Morgoth’s army that had driven into East Beleriand.
FA 465 - Teahesto witnesses the appearance of Beren in King Thingol’s court, and the king’s mockery. Impressed again by a Dorthonion Man, who held his heart to Luthien and wore a ring of Felagund, Teahesto privately advises Beren on the path to Nargothrond to pursue his quest for a Silmaril.
FA 466 - Teahesto witnesses the return of Beren and Luthien to King Thingol’s court, the sad return of the hunting party to retrieve the Silmaril from the belly of Carcharoth, and the passings of Beren and Luthien
FA 469 - Teahesto witnessed the unexpected return of Luthien and Beren, and as they were intent again on leaving, suggested to them the southern reaches of Ossiriand.
FA 472 - Teahesto accompanied Mablung to join the host of Fingon and Hurin on the march to the Battle of Unnumbered Tears (Nirnaeth Arendiad), withdrawing with Turgon while Hurin and Huor hold the pass behind him. Once Turgon’s force made to Gondolin, Teahesto returned to Doriath.
FA 473 – Teahesto witnessed the arrival of Turin in Doriath and his hasty departure in FA 484.
FA 494 – Teahesto witnessed the arrival of Morwen and Nienor in Doriath, where Thingol treated them with honor.
FA 496 - Teahesto rode with Mablung after Morwen, who had struck out alone in search of Turin. In the company, Morwen's daughter Nienor traveled in disguise. After she revealed herself, Morwen was still determined to search for her son, so Mablung's company attended the ladies. Teahesto rode with Mablung to Narog and was separated from Morwen and Nienor by Glaurung's 'vast vapor and foul reek'. They finally found the Nienor and made their way back to the borders of Doriath where an Orc-band assailed them and Nienor fled in terror. The Orc-band was defeated, but Nienor was lost to Mablung's company. They report back to Doriath, then depart to seek the lost Morwen and Nienor.
FA 499 - Mablung, with Teahesto in his company, found Turin, who learned from them the nature of the curse and doom Glaurung had laid upon him. He fled from them in madness and they pursued, but too late they found him, dead by his own hand.
FA 501 - Teahesto witnessed Hurin’s arrival in Doriath bearing Glaurung’s treasure from Nargothrond, casting it at Thingol’s feet.
FA 502 - Teahesto witnessed Nauglamir being wrought and the subsequent quarrels between Thingol and the Dwarves who wrought the necklace.
FA 503 - During the Dwarf invasion of and sacking of Menegroth, Teahesto aided Melian’s escape with the Simaril, escorting her to Ossiriand, where she gave the treasure to Beren and Luthien. Teahesto was reunited with his Green Elf kin.
FA 504 - Teahesto returned to Doriath with Dior and his father Beren leading a host of Green Elves to fight the Battle of Sarn Arthrad.
FA 506/507 - Teahesto witnessed the Second Kinslaying, fighting for Doriath, and retreats with Elwing, who bore the Nauglamir and Silmaril, to the Havens of Sirion.
FA 538 - Teahesto witnessed the Third Kinslaying, fighting for the defenders of the Havens. He also witnessed Elwing casting herself into sea with the Nauglamir and Silmaril. He was among the survivors rescued by Cirdan.
For the remainder of the First Age, Teahesto serves under Cirdan in many trusted capacities; messenger, escort, and captain in battle (The War of Wrath)
The Second Age was primarily the Age of Numenor, and during this age Teahesto remained in the service of Cirdan, primarily as a captain of marine companies and secondarily as a scout for raw building materials. The early years, he assisted in the founding of the Grey Havens, choosing to reside in Harlond with Cirdan. He witnessed the departure of Elros to Numenor. Several hundred years later, Numenorean ships begin to return to Middle-earth. Teahesto witnessed the arrival of Sauron to Lindon, where Gil-Galad refused him entry, and heard no more about the former Morgoth lieutenant until word came of the oncoming onslaught of the new Dark Lord’s forces. Teahesto joined the Elven force attending Elrond to the east, but they were unable to break Sauron’s hold over Eregion and retreated north to build Imladris. Here they stayed besieged until the Numenorean troops joined the war and drove Sauron from Eriador. At this time, Teahesto turned to primarily escorting Elves on their pilgrimage to the West, vowing to maintain that task until the last ship sailed. His commitment was interrupted for a time when he re-joined Cirdan and the Last Alliance going to war against Sauron. Teahesto witnessed the deaths of Gil-Galad and Elendil, and the departure of Sauron’s spirit when Isildur sliced the Ring and finger from Sauron’s hand. Teahesto returned to his mission escorting Elves to ships leaving Middle-earth.
The Third Age (The Fading Years). Under the protection of the Three Rings while Sauron ‘slept’, the Eldar enjoyed a contented peace, living in memories of the past. For the most part, Teahesto continued his mission to escort Elves on their pilgrimages West. Occasionally, his path crossed Mithrandir’s and from their brief encounters, Teahesto learned much of the endeavors of Men, in exchange for any word Teahesto may have heard of a rising evil power. Teahesto could only speak of rumors coming from Mirkwood. When the Witch-king of Angmar overwhelmed Rhudaur and Cardolan, Teahesto temporarily suspends his mission with respect to the Grey Havens, continuing to use the port of Edhellond. When news of the destruction of Fornost and the end of the North-kindom reached Teahesto, he joined the combined forces of Cirdan and Elrond, supported by Gondor, and fought to defeat Angmar. The road to the Grey Havens reopened to Teahesto’s long-lived mission. Within a few years, the port of Edhellond is abandoned after the Balrog of Moria is awakened and many of the Galadrim flee south. Teahesto’s mission focused on them for a time until the last ship departed that port. Teahesto assisted Elrond rescue his wife Celebrian from the Orcs and also assumed the sad duty a one of her escorts to the Grey Havens. Upon Elrond’s request, Teahesto escorted him and Arwen from Lorien to Rivendell.
Friends | |
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Motivation | To protect his fellow Elves as they travel to their true home. |
Quotes |
Teahesto's Adventures
The Eyes of Spring | 1 week 2 days ago |
Reluctant Ranger | 1 year 7 months ago |
Feather on the Wind – Part 14: Aftermath | 1 year 11 months ago |
Feather on the Wind – Part 9: After the Order | 2 years 2 weeks ago |
What Now, Captain? | 2 years 10 months ago |