Practice Will Make Perfect - Eventually

After the disaster of the jobs in Bree-land earlier this week, no hobbit could have been happier than I was last night at The Green Dragon. As I hadn't had much of an opportunity to practice my music this week, I managed to find my way there early. I setlled down in front of the hearth and happily plucked away for an hour or so.

Mr. Tallic dropped in for a while and soon we got to talking for a bit.  A wise hobbit, Mr. Tallic is. In some ways he reminds me of Master Elrond. He seems to understand the strangeness of my background and the impact that being away from The Shire has to have had on me.  We had a good olde natter and it was a great relief to be able to have these matters out in the open, no matter what others may think of them. Mr. Tallic even shared a tune with me - and irony of ironies it was one of Master Elrond's favourites! No such thing as coincidence.

Like Miss Sevelda, Mr. Tallic encouraged me with my music. Other hobbits may come to regret that he has tought me a new instrument - BAGPIPES! I have no idea why so many hobbits loathe such a fine instrument - is it wrong to be looking forward to make merry with the pipes and find out? 

Other hobbits came and went and suddenly the place was overflowing with folks ready for Green Dragon Friday fun. As Miss Lina hadn't yet arrived I carried on practicing. Soon Miss Sevelda arrived and I was able to show her that her generosity and kindess in starting to instruct me on the harp was not misplaced. I played a couple of tunes rather imperfectly, but I gave them a good olde try.

Miss Lina arrived and as the evening wore on I learned firsthand just how much work I had ahead of me. At one point a seven-piece band took to the floor and I felt a big fool for volunteering entertainment earlier. I played two tunes for the crowd, both swayers... and totally budged up the second tune (which I had dedicated to my Guardians - the same tune Mr. Tallic played earlier).

After the horrors of this week in Bree it is too tempting to simply remain in the Shire, practicing my music when I'm not enjoying a nice hobbit breakfast and pie. Even getting home from The Green Dragon is not without travails.... I'll leave that for another time.