Dwarven Wedding in Needlehole

a serious dwarven wedding, followed by an open house party, including a concert by the Brandy Badgers.

February 10th, 2014
2pm (server) for dwarves, 3pm (server) for all others.
Needlehole (Shire Neighbourhoods)

Event details:

Our little mountain is in Needlehole, and we invite all interested dwarves to come there, to the ceremony on Monday the Tenth of February, to hear the Zarb of Zhigi and Norgi, and to celebrate their vows.

The party is open to all, however, and we'll try to be done with our secret dwarven stuff before 3 bells, so that we can greet you all, hobbits, dwarves and longshanks alike.

Please, no gifts, but if you want to join the game of decorations, and decorate the hall for the party, you're encouraged to bring something unusual.

We have the honour and the delight of welcoming The Brandy Badgers come and play for us during the event!  They'll start sometime after 3 bells.

OOC details:

OOC address: 4 Brookbank Street, Muckwell, Shire Homesteads,

home of The Company of the West

OOC time:

2pm server-time / 7pm UK time / 8pm CET

for the marriage itself, which is dwarf-only.  the bride will come in escorted by her guard, and the Zarb will be finalized, blessings and vows said, and music played. Neo-Khuzdul will be used.

3pm server-tme / 8pm UK time / 9pm CET

Main event.  All races welcome.

The doors will be flung open, along with the chests with their food and drink, and the decoration slots of the hall.  It's up to you as guests to decorate the hall, in conspiracy with or against other guests, in the 'game of decorations'.

3:30pm server-time / 8:30pm UK time / 9:30pm CET

The Brandy Badgers will play on the lawn.


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