Wayfarer's Lodge

Founding date
All in good time
To offer nourishment and respite to any wayfarer on their travels and host gatherings at their most hospitable lodge
Main area of operations
Wayfarer's Lodge, Bree-land
Kinship type
Any bringing aid, those in need, or those who may fetch a good story
Those who would halt a wanderer in their path
Kinship status
Dormant (not recruiting)
Recruiting Officer(s)
Rhyson - The best of hosts and man of Bree, Uniss - A charming young lass, Folke - Finest storyteller and man of many roads




A place for the wayward and wearied traveler to rest their head, settle their hunger and tell their tales. Drink and laughter need not be mentioned. Out beyond the hedge wall, there next to The Old Forest lies a lodge, made from the home of a humble woodsman and greatest of hosts. Outside, there roasts pheasant and rabbit as quiet tales are told and tricks learned on the road are shared. Inside, wanderers drink and laugh around grand fires and boast of their trials and triumphs in foreign lands. Be it for a day, a night, a week or month, wanderers and wayfarers are most welcome. Fetch merriment and mead with you, bring food and fine drink to be shared, for in the lodge, we look after those who would look after others.




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Adventures by Members

Afternoon Tea Folke 8 years 10 months ago
Another day Rhyson 8 years 10 months ago
All In Good Time Folke 8 years 10 months ago
Come All To See! Folke 8 years 10 months ago
Wanderlust Rhyson 8 years 10 months ago
Of Uniss Rhyson 8 years 10 months ago

Images by Members

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