The Honeybush Yule!

Pies! Homebrewed drinks! Poetry and music! Gifts! Come join the Honeybush family and warm yer by our hearth!

December 18th, 2012
Tuesday 18th, 20:00 CET
2 Chalk Road, Grovedon, Shire Homesteads

Event details:

On behalf of our sisterkin:

The Honeybushes would like to invite you all to celebrate a Honeybush Yule in their new little den. Bring your friends and family to rejoice in the warmth of our hearth. There will be pies, homebrewed drinks, music and poetry recitals. Of course there will be gifts too, as befits hobbity traditions! So come in and join the fun!

OOC details:

All races are welcome, but If you can, bring your hobbits to the party. Anyone who wants to perform a music piece or recite a poem are welcome to do so. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Honeybush leader Auntie Swida or her right hand Serruria. 

Swida, Serruria

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