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Dwarven wedding

Our Little Mountain

What type of content is this?: 
Artwork: Painting

Traditionally Dwarves can only be married 'under mountain'.

And so here's our little mountain, a hobbit hole in Needlehole. It has a banner of the Blue Mountains spread over it, just to make it clear, that we're getting wed under those mountains.

((My own original image, all rights reserved.  Acrylic on canvas.))

My own original image, all rights reserved.

Dwarven Wedding - The happy couple

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: Event screen

The newly weds at the feast, with golden rings on their fingers. Augir's is a plain ring. Hanfrere wears a a ring with the relief of two crossed hammers, the symbol that she now is a part of her husbands clan.

Dwarven Wedding - The grand feast!

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: Event screen

The Rolling kegs entertaining at the wedding feast. The wedding guests, eating and drinking from bountiful tables, cheer and sing along to the Dragon song...

Dwarven Wedding - Departing for the feast!

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Screenshot: Event screen

After the 7 blessings and the exchange of rings, the happy couple departs for the feast, in the Hall of Khuzd Belkul

Dwarven wedding - The reading of the Zarb (marriage contract)

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: Event screen

Augir and Hanfrere are standing face to face, encircled by the guests. The father of the bride reads the Zarb , for all guests to hear.

Dwarven Wedding - Greeting the guests.

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: Event screen

Masters Augir and Kandral greets the wedding guests as they arrive.

The Zarb (Dwarven Marriage Contract)

What kind of Adventure is this?: 
Official Document
Marriage contract between Hanfrere, daughter of Hani of the Broadbeams and Augir Hammerfist, son of Halgrim of the Longbeards.
For your acceptance to wed Hanfrere, daughter of Hani, on this joyous day of betrothal; We, the family of the bride agree:
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