
Fireworks for the New Year

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Branalph watches as fireworks in the colors of the House scatter their brilliant light near the halls of Lósengriol. What will the new turn of the seasons bring? His thoughts turn to his beloved Arradril, and the coming joys of exchanging their silver betrothal rings for golden wedding bands.

Yestarë: A Parting Wish

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Many of the guests inscribed their wishes and hopes for the coming turn of the seasons on the parchments provided for that purpose. Seregrían, however, states hers plainly before the entire company: that the houses of Bar-en-Acharn and Lósengriol might remain close and become yet closer. 

Yestarë: Lirisseya's Tale

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At the behest of hiril Manadhlaer and hir Melumatyar, Lirisseya stands before the remaining revelers and tells the entire tale of the discovery of esteloth growing improbably among the snowdrifts of the foothills north of the Vale, and further, the discovery of its uses and lore.

Yestarë: The Harper

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Numerous guests came to the revel ready to play and sing, among them Glorfingwë, Maegwine, and hiril Seregrían. However, the melodies played by hir Ingrasion of Bar-en-Acharn were most loudly requested, and he favored the company with several tunes.

The Starmere Parties Continue

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The Wilderness Revelries continued as Cwenawynn and Ryheric linger for some days, to the West of Breeland. They were in no hurry, after all, and the scenic wilderness along with good mead, good food, music, a good campfire and good company was worth enjoying until the time came for their departure.

Starmere Moonlight Dance

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Dancing, music and laughter by the Starmere Lake

Gelir rhîw

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A memory of Gelir Rhîw within Morenwenna's hall. 

An Unexpected Party Dress

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Maid Eredhwein

Formal Party Gown - It's rarely in use now, hidden away in a chest within her room.

Our Kin Burrow Warming!

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The party turned out grand!  We heard lovely music from Miss Acorne and some lively lady elves, who call themselves the Crazy Ladies of the Forest. Miss Carthien leads them. She and the other ladies were so nice to come such a long way to play for us. They sang a song about Twilight and Dawn, too!

New Year Party

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A magnificent celebration at Songburrow Hall


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