Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


The Shadow Walkers: Moving Into The Cold

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

After they rested through the night, The Shadow-Walkers finally got up and readied themselves to the journey as much as possible. The travellers took on the warmest clothes they had with them. Then, after having a meal they mounted up and moved away from Ost Forod, towards the border. Everyone remained silent while they were moving through the open fields, spotting the movements of the tomb-robbers in the distance. 

Yarii's Diary - Lost Page

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

[Note: Translated from Yarii's local dialect of Lossoth speech into the Common Tongue. The page was lost from her journal at an unknown time, found in a cave forty miles north-west of Sûri-kylä. Due to the diversity of Lossoth speech by region, Yarii's hometown being further north along the coast of the Cape of Forochel, some words were difficult to interpret. The effects of the weather on the parchment left some writing illegible, further complicatiing the translation process.]

A ranger in Forochel

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Artwork: Painting

I remember my fourth year in Forochel quite well. I was lost within the forest between Zigilgund and Pinty-peldot. I was ambushed by a Sabertooth and thus had to leave some of my gear behind.
Amongst it was my bow and arrows.... Only an axe was what I managed to safe alongside with some food and rope and string. I managed to make a spear as well using the axe I had to carve the wood.
Tracking down elk became a priority to make a new tent, and have fresh food... It would not be until I reached Zigilgund that I would regain my possibility for archery.

Artwork by Eve Ventrue -

Journey of the Ranger (Part IX): Many steps taken, many still to take

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

It has been very long since I last wrote down what has happened. Ever since an old expedition within Annuminas.
I suppose this would be a good moment to write again, as days grow darker. 
I am in Bree-land, at my camp in Ost Barandor. I've been in back in Bree for about two weeks now. Before that I was wandering along the road between Bree-land and the Trollshaws.
I miss the greatness of traveling, but I am stranded in Bree once more. Halbarad wants me to keep an eye on the Blackwold, apparently they have been increasing in activities once more.


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Screenshot: General screen

The town of Sûri-Kylä. What a beautiful place to see.....

The campsite

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Screenshot: General screen

After I went to Suri-Kyla I decided it would be time to make a camp. Inside the town they told me of an abandon hut, north of the town. I went on and made it my camp for the night. 
Its colder here... colder then it was ever before...
The fire will keep me warm though. 
I wonder why it is so cold....

Ambushed at Dusk

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Screenshot: General screen

I was ambushed today near the Ironspan. I was making my way along the road towards Suri-Kyla when they got the jump on me. I suppose they thought that the three of them would be enough, alongside some re-animated corpses.... Fools...
I made quick work of the group of Angmarim. They must have been a scout-group from the Ironspan. I should tread more carefully if I need to pass it again. I got lucky this time...

Dragon Bregmor's end

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Screenshot: General screen

(OOC) Eotheod in Forochel

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: General screen

Great hunks, Loaves of Landscape

Over-iced, insistent.

The sweet rise of Fondant slopes

Cast as White land, Wilderness,


Green transformed,

Gathering Supplies - part 2 - Zigilgund

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Gathering Supplies, part 2
((Second part of the story, after this part the story will be up to date and next one will come when we have moved further on with it.))


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