Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


A new ally with a sense of humour.

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Disturbed by their discoveries on the frozen shore, Tyelcie and Elveaner decide to head inland to see if there are anymore of these people camped nearby. They elect a steep and difficult climb to avoid the route likely used by these potential intruders. This takes them under an impressive bridge built by the Lossoth over the steep ravine they are currently ascending. Elveaner notes the entire structure is wooden .. where do they find the trees? .. He shakes his head, smiles to himself and continues on up.

Bright Moon Above

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A bright moon, Rana lit our path as the sky fires of the north danced in the heavens. Such beauty. We continued our search for the place named 'Ironspan', and the outsiders the Lossoth had spoken of in their Great Lodge. 

Bear Feet

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We found a place by the edge of the bay where several bodies lay strewn about. The figures were not Lossoth, but very different in garb and symbolism. I had my suspicions, so I think did Elveaner, though he kept silent for the time being. It looked like uniforms they wore, with the exception of one woman. 

They had been fishing. Small tents, of unsuitable design for the weather, had been set up nearby. Fishing rods, buckets and flags bearing almost known emblems were scattered about.

Into the Blinding White

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Though decided they will return to the more populated regions of the western lands, the Elves are in no rush. There is a mystery to be investigated here and now. Who are the outsiders their 'hosts' seem so divided over?

Investigating Rumours

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Elveaner and Tyelcie set out from Suri Kyla, having overheard accounts by the Lossoth of a number of 'outsiders' at a place named Ironspan.

Uolevi sends us.

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Having gained the trust of one of the Lossoth, Elveaner and Tyelcie head for the main encampment. 'Uolevi sends us' appears to open most doors for them. 

Not yet time to take ship?

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I had believed this patrol would be the decisive one. I would return to Forlond having found nothing, no sign of he for whom I searched. I would have fulfilled any duty, and more. Time to take ship, I had thought.

And now...that another senses the growing discord in a similar manner to me makes me wonder. 

Not yet! My time in these lands is not yet over.

Encountering Elveaner

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Most definitely a Noldo, he was not the one for whom I searched. (Though at first, from some distance, I had wondered.) It was rare to encounter any of our kind out here on the edge of the ice bay. What had brought him to the frozen north?

The Ice Desert

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Travelling through Forochel

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