Phadar Dhaer

Two Events Meet as One

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The promenade of Phadar Dhaer attended the concert "Stories of Doriath", by Lindamar at Celondim, as the company sat enraptured by the talent and tales of the Elven-minstrels

Pretty-maids All in a Row

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During a pause at the Green Dragon Inn in Bywater, Ingrasion is all smiles and Seregrían watches, as Glorfiendriel lets Bainiel hold new new baby girl, Gwingloriel


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Ingrasion proves again why he is the Master of Song for House Bar-en-Acharn, as the company revels outside Stock in the Shire

Live at Adso's

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Her Ladyship plies her harp beneath the stars as the company stops at Adso's Camp, just west of Bree

Dancing in the Yard

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The company sways to the music as Mistress Royzenberry plucks out a happy tune...

The Promenade Begins

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The Household of Bar-en-Acharn, led by Her Ladyship, begins the promenade through South Bree

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