Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

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end." -Meriadoc


Faethuil meets The Hand of Numenor

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Artwork: AI Generated/Influenced

Faethuil meets his mother, Forngarmo along with Belenir, Thandanar and Aelwynna from Hand of Numenor Order. 

Faethuil was watching a small gathering up at the campsite when he had returned to Evendim. He did not recognize any of those present, apart of his mother, who stood out in the crowd regardless of her face not being visible. He would recognize her anywhere. Young ranger has promised her not to disturb in internal matters but he could not stay away when possibly his mother's injury was mentioned. 

The Fourth Age: The State of The Ice-Wastes

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Forngarmo prepared her supplies and mounted up, moving ahead through heavy snowfall. She was hoping to reach the next stop, past Ja Kuru. Her thoughts were going between her new allies, her children and the goal she was going towards. She knew not if she was going to ever see them again. It was just like the times before she met her love. Before she had anyone to worry about. Just her, the snow, loneliness and nothing more. She left her horse lead on his own for a while and closed her eyes listening to the sound of the wind. The snowfall seemed to stop for a while.

The Fourth Age: A Letter by Hawk

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After being done with the 'trials'  the Forngarmo felt the closeness of her past home and recalled a conversation with one of the Orders' members. She quickly left the group and moved away carefully, not leaving any clues behind. She knew that the other thing she would have to do is to send another letter to her children, but first - she decided to send a letter to her brother-in-arms.

Dear Thandanar,

The Fourth Age: Aftermath

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As the Forngarmo regained her consciousness she glanced ahead to see that she had wounded the corsair commander, but the leader of the band has escaped. She felt the pain from her wounded waist but the adrenaline surge was enough to hold her up at that moment. She glanced at the company, hoping that they too, have survived the blast. Yet again, the black speech woman has fired against her own allies. The ranger had a full mistrust towards her now. 

The Fourth Age: A Duel at Rantost

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Soon the sounds of the battle were broken by a sudden silence as the Leader of the corsair entered the fray. 
- Harzim! - Thandanar then yelled at the corsair leader. Aelwynna applied pressure to her wound, breathing heavily. Her eyes narroed at the sight of Harzim. Forngarmo pulled out Athelas from her pocket and turned to the woman.
- Put that on the wound... - She said then turned attention back to the corsair leader. Harzim offered a bow at the company. 

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