Allies of Lósengriol

The Blight

IC the chronicle is managed by Manadhlaer with help from her secretary, Sarmëtecil

Reports of sickness among Mortals and their animals, and even plants, along the banks of the Mitheithel have driven the Lósengriol to search for the reason behind the blight, and any possible cure for it.

To Hrundis, From Manadhlaer of Imladris

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The letter is bound and accoutered as formally as it can be for its journey by bird from Imladris to Erebor, which is a long way even for a determined bird. And yet the odd shower of fresh petals persists, in this case giving the effect of the tears of Nienna. The seal is thick wax, certainly the heaviest part for the poor bird, bearing the official imprint of Lósengriol. A calligrapher's mark under the signature is iwritten in a very muted red ink.

My dear Hrundis:

And What Comes Next?

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Screenshot: Event screen

On a cold night as firith readies its exit and rhîw its entrance, members of the House gather to discuss the repercussions of the mission to aid the Dwarves of the Hithaeglir, and especially to learn what Harnack would wish done. The ice of winter will make travel over the High Pass inadvisable for a short time to come. What will be done with the evildoer, who is now an involuntary guest of the Eldar? Harnack insists that merely recovering the heirloom of the slain Dwarf's family is insufficient.

A December Night

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A December Night
by Miss Corydalia Birdsfoot of the Little Delving Birdsfoots
with extreme apologies to W.S. Gilbert

When a hobbit’s not engaged in digging taters (digging taters)

Nor is elbow-deep in scrubbing pots and pans (pots and pans)

Council at Hrimbarg

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Screenshot: Event screen

In the cramped quarters of the Dwarven shelter at Hrimbarg, near where Vigfús met his sorry end, the Elves and Harnack plot how to approach an entire outpost -- and get justice for the slain Dwarf's family -- without having to commit mass slaughter that would only spark more violence (although Harnack frankly wouldn't mind making the likely suspect a head shorter).

Council at Erebor

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Screenshot: Event screen

In possibly the worst, seediest, but therefore most dark and private watering hole in Erebor, Snufi, a friend of the slain Vigfús, gives counsel and valuable information regarding how to approach the likeliest suspect in the Elves' quest to obtain justice on behalf of the fallen Dwarf's family. He does so in between being struck by the beauty of Lady Adonneniel, despite her beardlessness, and wishes the Elves a safe journey home.

To Lord Glorfingwë: The Requested Supplies

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To Lord Glorfingwë, with a large delivery of supplies

My dear friend,

Listening to Dwarf's pain

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Screenshot: Event screen

The dwarf turned to the elves for help. What could it be?

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Screenshot: Event screen

Prologue: A Baffling Theft

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Screenshot: Event screen

Rare is the day when the doughty Dwarves of the Northern High Pass must seek help from Imladris. But Master Harnack has braved the journey and finds himself pleading his case to friends in the halls of Lósengriol. The theft -- indeed, the violation -- of an artifact priceless only to a single Dwarven family, but nothing else of value, not even the poor fellow's armor, is enraging and confusing.

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