
Prologue: A Baffling Theft

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Rare is the day when the doughty Dwarves of the Northern High Pass must seek help from Imladris. But Master Harnack has braved the journey and finds himself pleading his case to friends in the halls of Lósengriol. The theft -- indeed, the violation -- of an artifact priceless only to a single Dwarven family, but nothing else of value, not even the poor fellow's armor, is enraging and confusing.

The Book of the Axe

IC the chronicle is managed by Manadhlaer with help from her secretary, Sarmëtecil

Times are desperate indeed when the Dwarrow of Hrimbarg are sufficiently rattled to seek help in Imladris. A baffling theft of an heirloom -- priceless to the owner and his family, but completely ordinary to any other Dwarf -- under mysterious circumstances prompts Master Harnack to seek the Elves of Imladris.

((Content note: Violent death offstage))

The Party Goes Ever On and On

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The party continues past the breaking of the dawn, when several of the revellers move outdoors and Maegwine offers another joyful song -- to which no one can resist another dance!

A Toast to the Kinhouse

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At an intimate moment in the cozy little party thrown to celebrate the opening of Lósengriol's kinhall, Morenwenna, friend and neighbour, directs most of the guests to form a circle and Manadhlaer to step into the center. Morenwenna offers a toast to the happy occasion.

Merry Met in Yávië: Song at Hidhuinen

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The company -- which included a goose named Gertrude, who reportedly has something to do with a bakery -- enjoyed wine, snacks, and song by the shore of Hidhuinen. 
Screenshot by Melumatyar

The View

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Arradril was able to escort the hobbits - by now complaining of hunger, which was really to be expected - through the mountain pass before having to turn back. Despite the steep climb, she enjoyed not only the company, but the views that began to reveal themselves.

A Stop at Vindurhal

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Although some of the throng -- for the first time in a long time, Arradril began to doubt her throng-leading skills -- were mildly miffed at discovering the Dwarven outpost of Vindurhal was not, in fact, an inn, there was an opportunity for a bit of rest and a snack. Arradril confronted the strange Dúnadan who had been following the group, demanding to know his intentions, but gave up when Foggi, one of the Dwarrow accompanying the hobbits, invited the Dúnadan along despite her protestations that "Randir" wasn't actually a name. 

On Top of the Snow

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Arradril walked at the back of the column so that others would not notice she was stepping lightly on top of the snow, rather than sinking in. In the quiet of the mountain pass, she began to hear sounds as if, indeed, someone was following the small folk she had decided to protect.

The Hobbits Return, With Reinforcements

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Visiting the stables of Imladris to get her horse washed, Arradril was astounded to find that the band of hobbits she had helped escort through the Trollshaws on their way to Isengard had not only survived, but returned, and with reinforcements -- including several Dwarves. Learning that the brave little survivors were now headed for the Vales of Anduin, Arradril resolved to escort them as far as she might without either permission, or Branalph. 

Conspiracy Afoot!

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We are a fine and careful race, the Quendi. We can set foot on top of snow without sinking in. I have done it myself. It is not so hard if you know the trick.


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